Euro Traders


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A Fixture
Sep 14, 2004
I know its very early in the year but its never to early to think about going to Euro.
I wonder if anyone knows if any notice was taken of the discussions we had last year about the lack of traders and indeed the lack of visitors? Was anything done about the prices charged to traders for tables which seem very very high and was mentioned as a good reason that a lot of traders stayed away.
As a paying customer of many years, I can accept the skyrocketing prices for visitors although a lot of modellers dont, and therefore dont come to the show, but I do want to know when I get there and pay my entrance fee there will be a lot of trade stands for me and other modellers to browse through.
Still think its the best show around but in these days of inflation. would it not be better to reduce prices to traders, and by encouraging more traders hopefully we would encourage more visitors.
Open to any flack this might bring and no I am not a trader, just a concerned visitor.
Hi Folks
I had my own trade stand at Euro in the early 1990`s selling my own products. The financial out lay for the two day event was astronomical. With the price of the 6ft space, the extra investment into metal and resin for casting, packing material, extra staff to pay, all the time invested etc just kept increasing every year significantly to the point where it was not worth it for the small amount of profit that was made at the end of the two days, I guess this could be the same problem for the smaller companies?
At the time there was not much of an internet so advertising your products relied on Magazine adverts and attending a few shows around the country. These days with the scale of the internet and the hi-tech web sites that can be developed by almost anyone on their home computer it is possible to show off all their wonderful products in their full glory and from any angle, is there really any need to attend a show to look at new kits, I purchase all mine via the net, I guess there is the social aspect to the shows and the competitions but as for buying figures………………..?:confused:
Just my thoughts,
I wonder how economical the one who sold traditional toys thought it was.
I was also a little disapointed at firms like Andra who doesnt bring their whole range?
I can understand that they dont want to ruin business for their retailers but many, even Historex, didnt have as much stock that could be expected.

Also missed quite a few like for example EMI?

Hi Folks
...The financial out lay for the two day event was astronomical. With the price of the 6ft space,

A definate concern. Overhead at events like this can make or break an event. Any event not just Euro. Promoters have to take this into account. Sure the venue may be sexy, but if your breaking the bank of vendors and you start to lose said vendors, naturally you'll lose much of the draw for exhibitors and attendees. A change of venue may be in order.

...the extra investment into metal and resin for casting, packing material, extra staff to pay, all the time invested etc just kept increasing every year significantly to the point where it was not worth it for the small amount of profit that was made at the end of the two days...

While a definate part of being a vendor, ths is just natural overhead and an acceptable cost. You gotta spend money to make money. ;-) and something you would have to do around any event, holiday, etc to insure enough stocks to meet demand. I have heard this before from vendors and I am confused as to the reasoning behind this. You have to look for three solutions here. Cut back on overhead or find a way to either increase exposure or as you ultimately discovered, ask yourself does the effort equal or surpass the outcome and cut your losses and look for other venues or means to sell your product.

...These days with the scale of the internet... is there really any need to attend a show to look at new kits?

You bet! What better means to promote your product than in person. You can see the object, hold it, and are more likely to sell it because its all impulse buy. People go to a show with the intent to spend money at a vendor for figures. The internet is opportunity waiting to happen. Sort of like fishing in a bucket or fishing in the ocean. Which one are you more likely to catch fish in?

I guess there is the social aspect to the shows and the competitions but as for buying figures………………..?:confused:

Exactly, but you shouldn't be confused. As I mentioned, its a given that people will go to shows and buy something. I have literaly seen people that had no intent of purchasing a figure and had little interest in figures at all, go to a show (Atlanta) and purchase one because they got caught up in the verve of the room and bought one becuse they were either inspired, challenged, curious or just so blown away that they got the figure (impulse buy) and left scratching their head wondering what they were going to do next. I saw guests at the hotel that weren't there for the figure show, cruise the vendor room and bought something as a gift just because. As powerful and far reaching as the internet is, it can't do that.

The internet commerce sites will show a figure painted one way. You will see the same Alpine figure painted by Jaume on Colorado Miniatures, Red Lancer, Squadron, Michigan Toy Soldier. etc. and they will "throw that hook out in the ocean hoping for a nibble" where as at a show, you'll see that figure painted one way by Jaume, another way by Alan, a 3rd way by Anders, and so on. This will strike a chord in you and you may say "I can do that but with my own spin" and buy it. (That hook in the bucket is a sure thing)

I have seen guys walk from a seminar room to the vendor room and buy the example figure used or just buy something because they feel more confident about a new skill they've learned and want to try it out on something new. (forgetting all about the 1000 piece grey army sitting at home)

I do agree that the internt may have an impact on sales, it is up to the promoters of an event to look at attendance of exhibitors, attendees, vendors etc and balance the numbers to make sure that the draw is maintained. Since vendors are a major draw at shows (if that were not the case, there would be a display only competiton and no vendors would be invited) and are the life blood of any venue, they must be taken care of. Promoters have to have the feedback from them both passive and agressive (i.e. a questionaire or actively seek them out and see what their concerns, problems etc are) and vendors have to communicate with promoters (i.e. its too expensive for tables we won't be back, lighting sucks, location, competitors too close together, etc). If promoters are using vendors to pay the venue costs they have to keep an eye on it because they can lose vendor particpation and kill the event if it becomes too prohibitive. A balance must be maintained. More than one event has sprung from the ashes of a failed or out of control event.

There also needs to be feedback from attendees. Like this for example. If there is a poor vendor showing, attendees need to contact promoters and tell them they won't be comming because there is not enough of a vendor draw. This way promoters are either screwed or they get the hint that they need to re-negotiate venue contracts or look for new locations for venues.

If promoters can't see the writing on the wall and are willing to sit back and rest on their laurels (any show not just Euro) and continue to ignore the fact that they must continue to create reasons for a draw, then maybe its time has come and the show will die its natural, prolonged death. As the economy turns to sh*t and the effect is felt in hobbies, expendable income will no longer be that and everyone is going to be looking for money. Its a shame that in the golden age of models and figures that we're in now that the economy is such that many new companies are going to have to fight an up hill battle harder than if things were better. Shows are the best way to get them on a good start.