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Congrats to Marijn, that is the most awesome and inspiring model I have seen in years........., maybe ever!

Great subject choice, original idea and superb execution. What more can anybody want from a model?

For those who are not aviation nuts like myself, what is depicted is a the crew of a British observation balloon obviously leaving their lofty perch in a bit of a hurry! The observer with his field telephone still attached has leapt from the basket. He is wearing a parachute harness. His second looks a bit more worried and without a parachute, he has good cause to be!

Observation balloons were prime targets for fighter planes. However, they were generally heavily protected with machine gun nests on the ground and standing fighter patrols above. Any pilot who flew into this hornet's nest was a hearty soul indeed! But one has to pitty the unfortunate crews of the balloons. The balloons were generally filled with highly flammable gas which almost invariably went up in a ball of flames when they were destroyed and this inferno generally fell onto the winch truck and hapless crew and machine gun nests below.

What a dramatic subject and awesome execution! I vote for Marijn van Gils as the next World Master. He is a damn sight better than many of them!! My hat is off to a fantastic modeler and model......       :)

Mike Good
