Everyone's Gray Army


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A Fixture
Aug 20, 2003
US, Oklahoma
Robin, from Med-Rom came up with a brilliant idea on the Med-Rom forum site which I am also an avid member of and visit several times a day with a "Swap Meet" of sorts with those participating compiling a list of their "Gray Army" to send to others in purpose of trading or selling the figures we all have that we know we will never paint. I have compiled a list and so far have emailed it to 11 people and have done 1 trade and 1 sale. I would rather trade / sell a figure so as to put the money back into a figure I would be more apt to paint. I just ordered another Time Machine Celt after I sold a Michael Roberts figure that had been in my closet for over 10 years.

I have compiled a list of figures that I am willing to trade or sell if anyone is interested please send me an email requesting the list to:

[email protected]

We also have a Classified section here at planetforum and I have sold 2 figures from the listing there.

Come on guys, the wife would love to see you sending figures from the closet.....she doesn't have to know you are getting another one.
Hi Guy i will like to trade figures whit the guys of planet figure but im in Mexico, so guess can be difficult :( , oh well, thats the way the life rules


As a newbie to the hobby, I'm surprised to find that I have 3 or 4 figure kits that I suspect I won't get around to painting any time soon (alas, interests are a dynamic thing ). I was tickled to discover that the term "gray army" is used to refer to such kits. The concept you describe sounds like a winner to me (y). I'll put together a list of a few figures I'm willing to part with. These will mainly be WWI figures. If anyone is interested in this era, send me a personal message on this forum, or contact me at [email protected]. My area of focus is samurai/Japanese figures. Send me your list if you have anything in this area.

Hello Ed,
I don't think living in Mexico should be a terrible problem. Email me and let me know what city and we'll go from there. Don't know till we try

guy (y)
Hi Guy
A great idea.
Any views on "Part Work's," figures in early stages of assembly. Where the
enthusiasm just waned for whatever reason, only to be replaced by the next
must have.
Hence the gray army receiving reinforcements.

Frank (y)
G'Mornin Frank,
The list that everyone has compiled are for the most part "closet figures" that were bought and never taken from the box other than to examine and returned to the closet. These would be kits that we buy with the intention of doing but never getting to. Some of the list I have had emailed to me have had just a couple of figures started but not finished and returned to the box. I have recieved 14 list from miniaturist with closet "gray Armies", untouched kits.