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A Fixture
Oct 12, 2003
Included I send some pictures of the figures I'm working on.
I'd like to hear all your comments and what I need to improve

Many thanks in advance,


First one is a 1/10th scale bust by Des kits from France. I need to chip the helmet, paint rust on it and put some mud on.


Second is a crew for a Swimmwagen by Jaguar I'm painting for a client who will place them in the vehicle. Only the flesh parts and headgear are done on this one.



Last one is a Templar Sergeant by Andrea. it's a 70mm white metal casting. this is one for my own collection, which means I can only work on it on sundat. During the week I paint the figures for clients. So it might take a while before this one is finished. he needs to get some local washes on his face, some more shadow onhis helmet and a little bit of rust on his helmet. I need to start work on all other parts

Hey Gino!

I like them all, especially the 1/10th scale one and the second of the Swimmie Crew. The officer picture is a little too crude to be able to say anything constructive on. Im not really sure what I could tell you to improve, but I love the paler skin tone on the second Swimmie crew pic. Keep up the good work!
Hello Gino,
From what I can see with the photos you are right on the mark. How did you do the Templar's helmet? Looks good

Guy (y)
Hi Anders,

thanks for the nice comment. I too prefer the skin colour of the swimm driver. In reality the skincolour of the commander is about the same, but the picture isn't that good. I'll try to post better as I progress. On the templar I haven't used that pale skincolour as I feel this is more a wintercolour and not for summer. I'm still looking for a summer skincolour I like; maybe when his face is finished I'll like it more? Anyway, Ill post more pictures of all the subjects as I progress.

Best wishes,

Hi Guy, Thanks for the nice comments.

The templars helmet was very easy. I polished it using my Dremler motortool to a high glossy finish. It was protected during the priming with Maskol. Shadin was done with three thin coats of Yamiya's smoke. Highlighting by drybrushing Super Silver by Vallejo only on the top of the helmet. The base of the helmet will be further shaded using black Vallejo paint, heavely diluted, and the the nails will be picked out using the super silver again. I will also add a few spots of rust.

Hasta la vista,
