simon m.
Active Member
The sculptThe process
Some thoughts on painting the figure:
At first, I didn´t use sprays for basecoating the sculpt but went for a brush to apply a black basecoat (elf flesh/GW for the face). I did this as I was pretty sure that I would break some details during the painting process.
I divided the figure into segments (face, armour, clothing, cloak, hat) and finished painting each single segment before moving on to the next.
I started with the face. After the acrylic basecoat (elf flesh/GW) had cured I went on using oil colours. I mixed a middle tone from flesh tint, burnt umber and burnt sienna, for the lights I added more and more titanium white, for the shades burnt umber. Especially to enhance the cheeks I also added a small portion of english red to the base colour. (All oil colours I use are from the "Schmincke Mussini" range) After the colours had completely dried I had to resculpt the beard as I wanted to cover a larger area of the upper lip, afterwards I painted the beard with acrylics.
For the armour I first applied several layers of diluted boltgun metal(GW), I then washed all areas with an highly diluted mix of dark green and brown ink(GW). To define the light and shaded areas I applied some layers of babad black(GW) for the shades and quite a lot of thin layers of silver(Vallejo)for the lights.
The next step was to enhance the shades by applying undiluted black oil paint to the shaded areas. Finally after the oil paint had cured I painted the reflexion lines using again silver(Vallejo). This was done very carefully and was generally fairly similar to painting non metallic armour.
After I had finished all metallic parts I went for the fabrics. All white parts were done with dheneb stone, graveyard earth, bleached bone and skull white(GW), all red parts with red gore, catachan green, blood red and vomit brown(GW). To obtain some kind of texture I painted many thin horizontal lines, in particular on the light areas.
The hat was painted using the following colours: scorched brown, bestial brown, snakebite leather and bleached bone(GW). Eventually it recieved a wash of highly diluted burnt umber.
The feathers on the hat were realized using the same colours as for the textiles yet for obtaining a slightly texturized surface I also applied undiluted oil colours to some prominent areas of the feathers.
Finally the base was painted with acrylics and recieved several oil washes (mainly green and brown tones). The severed head was painted with titanium white, black, and vandyke brown over a grey acrylic basecoat. The blood was realized with black oil colour and X-27 clear red(Tamiya).
So far, thanks for looking.
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