WIP FeR 1/12 1st Sgt. 20th Maine


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Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2007
Hey, all -

I've laid in the acrylic base colors, now beginning to work the oils, starting with the face. Wanted to check the flesh work with you folks, since I'm starting to squint after a while. o_O

This is a good sculpt, well cast, and pretty simple (three pieces). My only wish is that the pedestal had come separate; getting the base flat and plumb is a bit challenging. Frankly, I prefer to mount busts on brass rod going into the bust itself.

BUT - It's a hobby, after all. Right?

Any thoughts or comments on the skin surfaces are welcome. The uniform and beard are not started in earnest; the cap visor is tacked on with putty, so I can see how the light falls around it. SIDE NOTE: I've realized that the color fidelity on my new phone is, hmmm ... a bit iffy. The uniform color here is noticeably lighter than IRL. Does anyone else experience that any color shift?

AND - apparently I've set the pics horizontal. Speaking of needing some help, please ... :(


IMG_0212.JPG IMG_0213.JPG IMG_0214.JPG
Hi Russ

Good to see what your working on ......nice acrylic basecoat on him .....like you say pics a "bit iffy" but looking at the flesh I would work on highs and then go back with shadows

Not sure what the eyes are like

Agree ref the base

Look forward to seeing more

Happy benchtime

Hi Russ

Thanks for larger pic

My thoughts push the highs more , try and blend in the dark areas at top of nose sides , tidy up the beard edges

The eyes ...the left pupil needs defining and I would put a catchlight on each as well as putting a red wash in the corner white that's showing

Not sure how far you have gone with Kepi or the chevrons ?

Always good to get feedback , but these are MY thoughts , it's a nice piece and will look good

Happy benchtime

I should probably note that I typically apply a small smear of clear acrylic (Pledge Floor Care) to the eyeballs when I think they're done (I'm not always correct in thinking they're done, though). The intent is to present a naturally glossy surface, and provide for natural light reflection. Which, of course, can play a little havoc with photography.

I realize that others forego the clear coat and paint catchlights instead. Thoughts from everyone on pros/cons of applying a clear coat to eyeballs (on the figure, not our own)? ;)
Thanks, Nap! Can you help me understand why some of my pics - shot at the same time with the same phone under the same conditions - post up sideways rather than right-side-up? AND, more importantly, how can I fix them so you don't have to?
This has driven me nuts since this bust first appeared. It has nothing to do with Russ's fine paint job. The bugle badge does not go on the front of the forage cap. For enlisted soldiers, it went on top. Badges went in front for officers. I know that historical accuracy doesn't carry the weight that it once did, so I'm not complaining to FeR, either. Easy to confuse the issue. There, I have gotten that off my back.
@winfield: Thanks - I feel your pain!

I wasn't aware of the bugle issue here, but every once in a while I encounter (usually am told about) historical inaccuracies, most of which are not worth fussing with the correction thereof (in fact, if you want to enter a contest as "out of the box", you really cannot make any changes to the boxed configuration).

The same thing happens with car/plane/tank models as well. One would expect that a quality model of any kind would catch a lotta this stuff, but ... <smh> o_O
for me is this looking good already,but I paint not so long busts
and it's not to me to say something,just you will get there,keep it up


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