Figures bulked out, primed and prepped


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Jamie Stokes

A Fixture
May 6, 2008
In Adelaide, South Australia

Rather then drag you, the reader, through every step of the build up, we'll skip ahead to where I had decided that I had hit the point of diminishing returns on the faces and bodies.....

I ended up baking these figures for a good time; the figures ended up a dark brown colour.


Definitely set though. Any more work needed on this would require carving, files and sandpaper.....

Gave them a coat in Vallejo grey primer, after washing the figures in soap and water.

Once the primer coat was dry, laid down some base coats. Blue for the jeans and denim skirt, flesh tones where needed, and Andrea grey for the jackets (part of their Black set)

Hands I was going to wait till final fitting to bike. Bens hands needed to grip the handles, while Mish had to grip Ben, and a bouquet of Cherry Blossoms.

I think this was taken very late one night, after a full day on the project.
