Figures prices


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PlanetFigure Supporter
Apr 15, 2012
Hendaye, Spain Border, " Pays Basque", France
A small question.
How to explain the price of figurines ?
There is the master , the box art , molding, packaging , production overheads (salaries , material, electricity .... ) advertising (?) ...
So can you explain the price differences between brands ?
HECKER & GOROS , 54mm, metal cover , but with artwork painted figurine € 13/15
MÜRITZ MINIATUREN (exPuchala ) 54mm , metal, box or bag with box art, € 12/14
METAL MODELES , same € 25/28
ANDREA , 54mm, cardboard box with artwork painted figurine, boxes made only for the figure , € 28/30
PEGASO , except that the same box used for several figurines ( only photo box art change) €30/35
Resin :
EL VIEJO DRAGON , 54mm, cardboard box with box art, € 15
CHRONOS MINIATURES 54mm, bag , sometimes without box art 20 €
TOMMY'S WAR , resin figurine and P.E parts, quality cardboard box with box art for each € 16
NOCTURNA, resin, clear box with box art, € 26
And I can go on , again, these prices are with VAT, if you order , sellers outside the EC do not you tax refund (if there is a vat in his country );
And I'm not going to start comparing different brands in 75mm, then it becomes a real headache.
Why so much difference, why if we order outside the EC, does not benefit us from duty when possible?
If one of our manufacturer can answer us!
The topic is open.

You pay for what you get, quality of sculpt, metal or resin, sculptors ability and quality of casting, QUALITY CONTROL and rotation of new moulds, quality of box art and artist commissioned. Good quality consistently usually means more wastage, more rubber, more moulds.

For metal this is evident to what you have shown for metal figures, the 3 top brands are all close.
Resin figures are usually cheaper compared to metal, with the exception of one all the resin prices you show are pretty close and all are reasonable in today's market
Not all UK figure companies are VAT registered we therefore cannot deduct VAT if distributed overseas. From my understanding some countries have to charge VAT

Of course there are exceptions to all the above and the more of production done in house can affect prices ie painters and sculptors under the same roof.

You pay for what you get, quality of sculpt, metal or resin, sculptors ability and quality of casting, QUALITY CONTROL and rotation of new moulds. Good quality consistently usually means more wastage, more rubber, more moulds.

For metal this is evident to what you have shown for metal figures, the 3 top brands are all close.
Resin figures are usually cheaper compared to metal, with the exception of one all the resin prices you show are pretty close and all are reasonable in today's market
Not all UK figure companies are VAT registered we therefore cannot deduct VAT if distributed overseas. From my understanding some countries have to charge VAT

Of course there are exceptions to all the above.

Thank you for your explanation.
I am not a newcomer in this area.
I even helped to produce the first models in resin.
Regarding taxes , again , I'm pretty specialist, my wife and I travallions collection thereof .
In Europe , in addition, all companies are subject to VAT by one form or another, I could cite the texts.
I also know the cost of the figures , I do not say this is another topic.
I just compare what is comparable quality of the sculpture, materials, casting quality.
But honestly explain to me the difference in price between the figurines resin ( same quality) at TOMMY'S WAR English brand with a sculptor , a painter, and a shadow box of high quality and a figurine in CHRONOS , produced in Russia sculptor, painter (sometimes), clear box which can be used for different figures, not always box art .

Price € 16 for Europe TOMMY'S WAR , RUSSIA price CHRONOS for € 18 ? ? ?
And if I stay in Europe, NEMROD , France , different sculptors, painters , reusable for different shadow box figurine , plus subcontractor for many small brands , figurines € 17 . And I 'm not talking about SKP models 5 € the figurine and better than many other more expensive.

And I 'm not talking about shipping .
As said there are exceptions, as in any walk of life, but generally like for like are around the same.
Every manufacturer will have different overheads depending on what is sourced out and what is done in house combined with artists used etc etc
I cannot comment on the comparison above but Tommy's War figure are SUPERB and very well priced. The difference you are giving is 2 euro.
As you say metal modeles, Pegaso and Andrea are pretty much the same price range and I believe you get what you pay for there.
I know you are not new to this, just giving my take as you requested.
Even if boxes are standard they still need to be purchased. Printed boxes are the best I agree but I imagine quantity of sales determine if worthwhile to have made, nobody wants to be sat on 200 boxes that cannot be used for other figures.
Ref taxes, all I can say is that within UK I am not VAT registered as not required to be.

All said and done, the customer decides if they wish to pay the asking price for said piece.
As said there are exceptions, as in any walk of life, but generally like for like are around the same.
Every manufacturer will have different overheads depending on what is sourced out and what is done in house combined with artists used etc etc
I cannot comment on the comparison above but Tommy's War figure are SUPERB and very well priced.
As you say metal modeles, Pegaso and Andrea are pretty much the same price range and I believe you get what you pay for there.
I know you are not new to this, just giving my take as you requested.
Ref taxes, all I can say is that within UK I am not VAT registered as not required to be.

On VAT, compared to Europeans texts, each country of the union having its own taxation, it is rather interesting to be registered, some benefits of VAT are really interesting for you.
Ask you to my colleagues, those of Customs and Excise.
Possibly something I will consider in the future.
As only a small company I need to do my homework to pros and cons :)
Possibly something I will consider in the future.
As only a small company I need to do my homework to pros and cons :)

Hoping that someone proficient may advise you on this very important topic, especially for a small business like you.
In France one example, you could put fresh company car, rent (or bank loan), telephone ...
Thank you anyway for your beautiful figurines, especially the bust of French cuirassier.
And those i will soon order.
Best regards.
I think you can also go for the prices of cars, gas, sigarettes etc.
Here in the Netherlands we have the highest prices in the world for gas, and the raffinery is almost in my backyard. We pay for Euro regular for 1 liter € 1,79. The same cost in Belgium € 1,43 and in Germany € 1,56.
Why have we pay into the Netherlands BPM for a car. that's tax above the tax that you have allready payed. Never in the world is that. And it is 18 % of the clear price of the car. When these numbers are together then we pay another 1 % on VAT.

I think that it is with the figures the same: It's not the firm, but the state who is screwing you.

I think you can also go for the prices of cars, gas, sigarettes etc.
Here in the Netherlands we have the highest prices in the world for gas, and the raffinery is almost in my backyard. We pay for Euro regular for 1 liter € 1,79. The same cost in Belgium € 1,43 and in Germany € 1,56.
Why have we pay into the Netherlands BPM for a car. that's tax above the tax that you have allready payed. Never in the world is that. And it is 18 % of the clear price of the car. When these numbers are together then we pay another 1 % on VAT.

I think that it is with the figures the same: It's not the firm, but the state who is screwing you.


The thread was only for figures and the difference of prices, price figures is incomprehensible, prices do not include any logic.
On gasoline, I can answer with tobacco and alcohol, this is the most taxed product.
Furthermore, it is not taxed like any other and has a multitude of small taxes, I cleared through customs time petroleum products, and the amount of taxes is astounding.
And VAT is calculated on the price of these products + taxes.
I'm not complaining too much though, living in Spain for 500m liter 1.50 / € 1.60 in France, it is 1.20 / € 1.30 in Spain.
But the purpose of this discussion is especially trying to understand these differences in price.
I love this hobby a lot, but we must look to the future.
Enthusiasts in figurines are becoming older, must the next generation come, but two 54mm figures without the equipment, documentation, etc ... This is a video game, a good restaurant (with friends) more unfortunately, in some countries like France our hobby is considered a childish game and not an "art".
We must find a solution to attract young people to this hobby, and unfortunately this means the price of our beloved figurines.
Best regards.
I really don't understand this thread, surely we all live in a free market, the manufacturer can charge what he thinks the market will bear. His costs will be variable and so will his or her aspirations for profit. Larger manufacturers will have bigger overheads, staff to pay, more Marketing costs etc etc. I think as we say in the UK you are trying to compare Apples with Pears
At the end at the day as buyers we have freedom of choice, if a product is too expensive then don't buy it.

I really don't understand this thread, surely we all live in a free market, the manufacturer can charge what he thinks the market will bear. His costs will be variable and so will his or her aspirations for profit. Larger manufacturers will have bigger overheads, staff to pay, more Marketing costs etc etc. I think as we say in the UK you are trying to compare Apples with Pears
At the end at the day as buyers we have freedom of choice, if a product is too expensive then don't buy it.


The purpose of this thread is to understand the differences in the prices of figurines.
It is certain, if we find the subject too much, we have the opportunity not to buy it.
But here it is not a vital subject, so I can do without.
If I can do without, others also, as we say in France, and come fall.
With the fall, the end ...
If we want our hobby continues, we need to continue to buy.
The circle is vicious.
the example of the disparity in prices on comparable items, shows little be a little effort be made to reduce prices.
This is the future of our hobby, as proof, the virtual disappearance of 90mm metal miniatures.
Have been trying to clear a thorny subject.
Hi Luc, I'm sure that the post is sincerely meant, but the truth is that this has never been a cheap hobby. When I look at old adverts in magazines for the likes of Post Militaire, Almond Grieve etc they were never cheap relative to wages at the time. I think the problem now is that we are spoiled for choice with many small manufacturers springing up taking advantage of improved sculpting and casting materials, with the Internet and dare I say it forums such as this providing a quick route to market. I personally welcome the diversity provided by these small manufacturers, many of whom are hobbyists or sculptors turning their talents to our hobby. There is also an influx of artists who have raised the bar with their painting talents.
I have less concerns over the younger generation in fact the likes of Warhammer, Games Workshop and others have opened a fantasy market with great appeal to kids and adults alike, I'm sure many of them will embrace in time both the fantasy and historical side of the hobby. On line tutorials also provide a wealth of information for the newbe to the hobby.
On the subject of pricing I'm sure the volatility of financial markets and currency exchange is not helping manufacturers or distributors provide a stable price platform at this moment in time and maybe that is another reason for the disparity?.