Completed "Fortissimi sunt Belgae." - Belgic tribe 1st Century b.C.


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Active Member
Sep 7, 2009
Project 9 - "Fortissimi sunt Belgae." - 1st Century before Christ.
Finished. Started on October 27th.

Project 9 - Fortissimi sunt Belgae - shoot 036.jpg

Recap: here's a bit of nostalgia and a refresher for (mostly Belgian?) students of Latin. When Julius Caesar wrote his "De Bello Gallico"
in the first century BC, he praised the Belgae as the bravest among the Gallic tribes. Firstly, they were less influenced by civilization, therefore less prone to the pitfalls of luxury. Secondly, they lived in perpetual strife with Germanic tribes, which kept them on their toes at all times. Because Belgium did not exist until 1830, we talk about Belgic tribes, not Belgian tribes, by the way
Since then, we have of course completely and utterly succumbed to the finer things in life, such as beer, chocolate and surrealism ;-)
Be that how it may, this project shows a small, peaceful tribal scene featuring a noble, a warrior/standard-bearer and a female villager. None of the models is very recent, and the villager even dates back to the first half of the 1960's!!! She's actually a double from my extensive collection of miniatures on Belgian history.
The basic backdrop was made from pieces of driftwood gathered by my lovely sister during her daily beach walks with her dogs, and some slices of genuine ship timber, provided by my brother-in-law.
The pigs are from the Riich Livestock Set Vol. 1.The bird (a rare breed of partridge, never seen by human eyes before) was actually meant to feature in my previous Anne Bonny dio, but he didn't want to get his feet wet. In all honesty: I wanted to make a seagull, but that didn't work out.
The 54 mm models are: Gallic tandard-bearer by ARES MYTHOLOGIC AM54T-100 (metal)Gallic noble by PEGASO MODELS 54-238 (metal)Gauloise Segnienne by STORME/MOKAREX (plastic)
Project 9 - Fortissimi sunt Belgae - shoot 036.jpgProject 9 - Fortissimi sunt Belgae - shoot 006.jpgProject 9 - Fortissimi sunt Belgae - shoot 008.jpgProject 9 - Fortissimi sunt Belgae - shoot 012.jpgProject 9 - Fortissimi sunt Belgae - shoot 013.jpgProject 9 - Fortissimi sunt Belgae - shoot 022.jpgProject 9 - Fortissimi sunt Belgae - shoot 024.jpgProject 9 - Fortissimi sunt Belgae - shoot 025.jpgProject 9 - Fortissimi sunt Belgae - shoot 027.jpgProject 9 - Fortissimi sunt Belgae - shoot 033.jpgProject 9 - Fortissimi sunt Belgae - shoot 036.jpgProject 9 - Fortissimi sunt Belgae - shoot 037.jpgProject 9 - Fortissimi sunt Belgae - shoot 038.jpgProject 9 - Fortissimi sunt Belgae - shoot 039.jpgProject 9 - Fortissimi sunt Belgae - shoot 040.jpgProject 9 - Fortissimi sunt Belgae - shoot 042.jpgProject 9 - Fortissimi sunt Belgae - shoot 045.jpg


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    Project 9 - Fortissimi sunt Belgae - shoot 009.jpg
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    Project 9 - Fortissimi sunt Belgae - shoot 017.jpg
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    Project 9 - Fortissimi sunt Belgae - shoot 019.jpg
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    Project 9 - Fortissimi sunt Belgae - shoot 030.jpg
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    Project 9 - Fortissimi sunt Belgae - shoot 031.jpg
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    Project 9 - Fortissimi sunt Belgae - shoot 034.jpg
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    Project 9 - Fortissimi sunt Belgae - shoot 035.jpg
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    Project 9 - Fortissimi sunt Belgae - shoot 047.jpg
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Hats off to anyone who finishes a project of this magnitude. Very nice scene and of course love the history.


Thanks Bob & Steve. I wouldn't exactly call it the Taj Mahal, Bob, I did finish the whole lot in 11 days after all ;-)

The thing is, I seem to have an imagination that soldiers on while I sleep, so much of the groundwork is carried out in my dreams.

Not really, but I do visualize things a lot even when not working on the piece, so I always come back to the bench with a fairly good picture of what I want in my mind.
Hello Tinseltown:
Wow, what a great name for your "handle", mate.
I'm trying to be careful here, and not go way overboard
because of the fact that your creative energy is so far
beyond what we usually see here. Definitely you are an
artist who thinks and executes a dramatic presentation
like this with a lot of creative and artistic flair. That you've
been able to create a scene like this in this most "creative"
way, plus the lovely photos you taken, really make a
fellow figure modeler stand up and take notice. Usually,
I would not like to see the presence of the rays of the Sun
in a photo of figure modeling. However, you use it to
great advantage. I'm guessing that you "march to the
sound of a different drummer" as we oldsters here in
the American Heartland say about the "style" of
creativity that you display on this forum. I would like
to strongly encourage you to continue down this
particular most creative and unique path. Your
sense of "Colour Harmony" is well noted. And your
sense of composition is so noticeable. Two
aspect of this kind of diorama that I see as most
important. Well done, Sir. . . I am eager to see
what your next project will be.

Rick . . . a.k.a. Kansas Kid, The Miami Jayhawk
Wow, Rick. I'm a person who can't handle praise very well, normally, but your post really moved me, man. While I do, in fact, strive for everything you describe, I feel the path is steep and full of obstacles. Which I like, in fact. And Sir right back at you ;-)
Hi again, Tensiltown:
You are most welcome Sir. Like the
other PFigure members here, I want to
acknowledge the presence of excellence.
As I said in previous note, I am eager
to see what you come up with next. Hey,
you know, sometimes, we as modelers forget
what incredible "posibilities" this hobby really
presents to us. It is unlimited and no way will
we ever live long enough to learn it all. Isn't
that an awesome fact? :)