Frankish Warrior 5th Century AD - Seil Min. Review


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A Fixture
Aug 20, 2003
US, Oklahoma
Frankish Warrior 5th Century AD
Sculpted by Yury Serevryakov
Painted by Lee Sang Eon
15 white metal parts
steel rod for spear & etched brass plaque

Frank 01.jpg

From Seil Miniatures this month comes Yury Serevryakov's beautifully detailed Frankish Warrior. Arriving in Seil's traditional sturdy black box with all parts sandwiched between layers of foam. A separate color guide is also enclosed showing the full figure front and back.

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Above you see the kit as it arrives in the heavy cardboard with the top layer of foam removed for the photo. The second photo shaows the parts layed out for inspection.

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Above you see the upper body section with the hands and arms cast separately.

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Above is the separately cast leg section showing the four sides and the exceptional detail Yury has sculpted into this part.

[ continued in next post ]

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Above are the two body sections together.

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Above are the accessories plus the arms and hands of the figure. The top knot for the hair is also cast separately.

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Above we see the front and back of the shield.

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Above is the steel rod furnished for the for the spear as well as the spear tip cast in white metal.

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Above is the white metal base supplied with the kit.

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Above is the color guide showing the front and back of the finished figure.

Additional Box Art Photos

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Frank 23.jpg

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An excellent kit depicting the Frankish warrior. Very nominal seam lines and dry fitting was excellent.

Seil Miniatures web-site
click here
