French Tirailleur


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Dan Morton

A Fixture
Jul 3, 2004
Great Plains of the Midwest, Omaha, Nebraska, USA,
Thought you might like to know there is currently a 70mm Poste Militaire FPW French Tirailleur up for auction starting at $35.00 on e-Bay. Note - This is NOT my figure I'm selling. Just passing the info along. The page is

Item (as above) 5972287889
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Get them while you can. I bid on one of the Poste Militaire Franco Prussian figures before. I was doing okay until the price surpassed my "need" to have it minutes before the auction ended.~Gary
Yeah, I think we're dealing with a sadly diminishing quantity and, if you want one at all, better sling that money soon.

As far as bidding on e-Bay the trick is not in being "...fustest with the mostest..."[1], it is in being "...lastest with just barely enoughest..."[2].
[1] Nathan Bedford Forrest
[2] me, with apologies to the above articulate if semi-literate three-named General

Sorry - the devil made me do it!

all the best,