Onto the Resin,
What are we looking at:
Title: Poilu of the 110th Infantry RI, winter 1915-16.
Reference:CH 048
Scale: 1/10th
Material: Gray Resin
No of pieces: 2
Sculptor: Greg Girault
Artwork: Eric Coulon
The inspiration for the sculpt was a picture in a WW1 exhibition at the museum at Meaux
Ordering from the website was easy with shipping being quick and well packed the item was received in a well padded jiffy bag , on opening this up I found the model in a clear bag with a printed copy of Eric's painting of the piece

The model consist of 2 pieces the torso and the helmet

Prep :
Torso had casting lines running up the back and under the underside

these were easily dealt with using sanding materials of your choice , on the top of the head a small remnant of casting was again easily cleaned ( this ensures a correct fit of the helmet )

Helmet had a casting remnant on the underside of the rim at the back with the underside of the edge having a bit of excess resin to take off, this then needs fitting to the head or you could paint separately.

All very easily done , once completed make sure you wash in soapy water to remove any release agent , dry fully and then you can prime and basecoat.
Let us look at the
Torso the main chunk of resin , it is a 1/10 and you get a lot the Poilu is depicted wearing his greatcoat covered by a warmer sheepskin lined coat , a bed sheet was also used as an attempt to snow camo by all troops if nothing else was available.
The clothing has nice strong and well formed folds with the greatcoat collar peeking out from underneath , the collar is large and nicely detailed with the Regiments number ( in this case 110 on the corner ) together with the chevron's also seen , these details are sharply done , the collar itself looks really good , as seen in period pictures and surviving items , nice undercuts and a defined edging running around.

On his chest we have the mask , a life saver , perhaps not the best uncomfortable to wear and fight, this is a good bit of sculpting like the way the material has been done , nice details of the lens (good challenge to paint these) , running down behind the mask we have straps.

This soldier is lucky he has aquired more than most !!!
At the collar we have a button on which we can clearly see a grenade as on the helmet front , the lining of his overcoat has nicely worked texture .
Around his neck we find the remnants of a scarf (perhaps all that's left of the one his beloved and missed wife sent), nice surface work on this , dry brushing will bring this out even more IMO.
Onto the face ...I love this , packed full of character

, he looks like he has had enough of the war , he has seen too much horror , too many friends gone , the features are very well done particularly the eyes , the bags under showing tiredness even in the unpainted state, eyebrows are raised , perhaps he is frowning , the beard growth has been sympathetically done and not overdone , a couple of days growth is evident .
Hair is almost monk like with it not being sculpted on the top to allow the helmet to fit .
He has a large nose with the nostrils being well done , a crackingly and typical Poilu moustache , bushy and large but well kept. We also see strong cheekbones and well done ears and a strong looking chin......

The hair is fairly long with again good texture and we see some peeking out from under the helmet when fitted , , probably unwashed for many a day !!
All in all a great face and will be enjoyable to paint up.
Now to the
Helmet , this is of course the famous Adrian helmet worn by all arms the infnatry having the grenade on the front ( Artillery had crossed cannons as well incorporated).

Lets look at the shape ...its very accurate and it should be as the bust comes from France! the details are very good with the top comb being nicely shaped with the correct rivets holding it in place , we also have a edge at the base where it meets the rim , held up at the front is the strap , looking well used and sitting well on the peak, centrally we have the the grenade , good shape and the "RF" easily seen in the middle of it.
Final thoughts
I am glad I purchased this piece as its full of character and detail,with good sculpting , it could have been an uninteresting piece but its certainly not that , simply presented , keeping costs down to a minimum , but you get a great model .
I certainly have the website on my favourites , its easy to order from ( I will be again!! ) good comms and shipping ( this is free on orders over 50 euro ) .
and even better (from the website)
Please note that when you purchase an item from the Carnutes’ Shop, you will perform a good deed, as 50% of the profits will be given, each year, to the charity Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque.
In 2014 they gave over 3000 euro's to the Cardiac Unit ...WELL DONE ALL
Here's a couple of pictures of Eric's painting ...nice work my friend.
For more details go to :
Thanks for looking in
Enjoy your resin ..whatever it is