Hi Phil
I really enjoy you like my work...
actully I love paint picture more then sculpt... yes I do!!!
because first of all I work only on the front and not the back... he! he!... and because in a paper you can do every thing you want... a battle to giving the atmosphere you want...
This pictures are A3 dimension, I use wotercolor paper tecnic wet on wet, but every time I work is allways an experiments and My tecnic allways change...
Some figure are original photos where I chenged the uniform with right cut, but many are photo of my self...on slip... with broom, a rolling-pin and redressed... ha! ha!
I spent too many time on tecnic of drows, the original pencil are archived on trasparent paper so I can use every time I want, for example te last color table of "garibaldini" I made four times, and I'm not complitly satisfied, now I'm spending to paint to many time...
ciao Stefano