General Th. Kolokotronis - Athens Miniature Review


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A Fixture
Aug 20, 2003
US, Oklahoma
Athens Miniature Review

General Th. Kolokotronis, Greek war of Independence
1821 - 1829
54mm white metal
Sculpted by Ch. Panagiotopoulos
6 parts

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This is a 54mm white metal figure depicting the famous Greek General, Th. Kolokotronis at the time of the Greek war of Independence in 1821 through 1829. The figure is packed in layers of foam in a sturdy green cardboard box.

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The figure is cast in 6 crisp white metal parts with the main body section already having the head and left arm / hand cast as one part. The right arm, pistols, sabre and pouch are all cast separately. The figure has a white metal base included.

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Above you see the figure's four sides with the attention to detail the sculptor has put into this figure. There is a slight seam line down each side which can be easily remove with a hobby knife or file.

Close-up Photos

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Above you see close-up photos showing the detail sculpted into the figure.

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Above you see both sides of the arm with the pistols / sash below.

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Above are both sides of the sword.

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The white metal base above is supplied in the kit.

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A color guide and historical note is included with the figure.

Additional Box Art Photos

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An excellent white metal kit with minimal clean up required. Highly recommended.

Athens Miniatures web-site
click here


Excellent review, excellent figure:)
It seams that your wife provided for you a great stockpile of Athens Miniature figures:)
Hi Guy,

From the close ups it seems that this figure, like some other Athene Miniature figures I have, has a lot of pitting? What I mean is that the surface of the metal is smooth, but with a lot of small depressions in it? Is it the pics or is it in the metal? If this is in the pics and not the metal I'll buy it, but the casting quality of recent Athene Miniatures I got was so poor I'm afraid to put my money in another of their products.

Many thanks in advance for you advise,
