A Fixture
Athens Miniature Review
General Th. Kolokotronis, Greek war of Independence
1821 - 1829
54mm white metal
Sculpted by Ch. Panagiotopoulos
6 parts
General Th. Kolokotronis, Greek war of Independence
1821 - 1829
54mm white metal
Sculpted by Ch. Panagiotopoulos
6 parts
This is a 54mm white metal figure depicting the famous Greek General, Th. Kolokotronis at the time of the Greek war of Independence in 1821 through 1829. The figure is packed in layers of foam in a sturdy green cardboard box.
The figure is cast in 6 crisp white metal parts with the main body section already having the head and left arm / hand cast as one part. The right arm, pistols, sabre and pouch are all cast separately. The figure has a white metal base included.