Hello Craig,
So many times over the years I have done an exceptional figure such as you have done and upon putting it into a show, it does nothing as far as recognition or awards. Now I just put my exhibit up and walk away from it at the show and go on and check out others or the vendor's area. So much is from the eyes of the judges. I have judged at many of the eastern shows and no two judges look at the same figure the same way. What I may think is an exceptional figure, like yours', may not lift the eyebrow of another judge, maybe due to it not being in his interest area, therefore not realizing what went into your work.
It is also hard to critique someones work when you know they have put their heart into the painting and showing of the piece. Many times I have asked the same question as you have above, wanting to know, from other member's eyes, how can I improve!.....how can I make it better?.......what needs to be done? I value the responses of other's eyes as I have looked at any figure I paint for hours on end, and not see the obvious..........which is why you posted the figure here. I hate to see your posting go unanswered and yet hesitate to critique your work. But I read the posting your made again, you asked for
constructive critism and I will give it to you. Many years ago at MFCA, I asked a judge, "What is wrong with my figure?". He kinda looked at me and asked if I had a paper and pencil, which I produced, and promptly began writing down his remarks.. lol.......he was brutal.........but I kept writing and when I finished, I took the figure home and over the next year I made all the corrections I had jotted down on the list. The next year, I returned to MFCA and took this figure and placed with a gold for my first. That was 1981, and to this day, I gladly accept any critism, anyone can give, all I will do is turn it around and make it positive and improve.
Ok......I would first concentrate on the green shirt with more highlighting, to possible make it more worn looking ( he has a scar on his face so I assume he was just in battle-----but he has a clean uniform on-------it needs some weathering or wear.
Next I would concentrate on the red sash doing the same as you did with the green. More shadow, more highlight. After that I would sit back and take a good look at him......does it look more authentic now? does he look like he just fought and got that scar? Then maybe.....just maybe.....put some more shadow into the face and add a 5 o'clock shadow..........did he just shave? I think you catch my drift.
Enough of my soapbox...............Yor work is great.....keep up the great work....love it