German Mercenary


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Mongo Mel

A Fixture
Aug 19, 2003
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Hi guys,
Here's one I did a couple of years ago. I really like it but it has never seemed to do well at any shows. I'm curious, can anyone out there give me an honest critique of the piece to let me know what's wrong with it? I know that it's tough to tell a whole lot from pictures. But, seriously, I'd really like to hear what you all may think of it.



Hello Craig,

So many times over the years I have done an exceptional figure such as you have done and upon putting it into a show, it does nothing as far as recognition or awards. Now I just put my exhibit up and walk away from it at the show and go on and check out others or the vendor's area. So much is from the eyes of the judges. I have judged at many of the eastern shows and no two judges look at the same figure the same way. What I may think is an exceptional figure, like yours', may not lift the eyebrow of another judge, maybe due to it not being in his interest area, therefore not realizing what went into your work.

It is also hard to critique someones work when you know they have put their heart into the painting and showing of the piece. Many times I have asked the same question as you have above, wanting to know, from other member's eyes, how can I improve! can I make it better?.......what needs to be done? I value the responses of other's eyes as I have looked at any figure I paint for hours on end, and not see the obvious..........which is why you posted the figure here. I hate to see your posting go unanswered and yet hesitate to critique your work. But I read the posting your made again, you asked for constructive critism and I will give it to you. Many years ago at MFCA, I asked a judge, "What is wrong with my figure?". He kinda looked at me and asked if I had a paper and pencil, which I produced, and promptly began writing down his remarks.. lol.......he was brutal.........but I kept writing and when I finished, I took the figure home and over the next year I made all the corrections I had jotted down on the list. The next year, I returned to MFCA and took this figure and placed with a gold for my first. That was 1981, and to this day, I gladly accept any critism, anyone can give, all I will do is turn it around and make it positive and improve.

Ok......I would first concentrate on the green shirt with more highlighting, to possible make it more worn looking ( he has a scar on his face so I assume he was just in battle-----but he has a clean uniform on-------it needs some weathering or wear.

Next I would concentrate on the red sash doing the same as you did with the green. More shadow, more highlight. After that I would sit back and take a good look at him......does it look more authentic now? does he look like he just fought and got that scar? Then maybe.....just maybe.....put some more shadow into the face and add a 5 o'clock shadow..........did he just shave? I think you catch my drift.

Enough of my soapbox...............Yor work is great.....keep up the great it

Hey Craig,

I don't even want to start with the judging. I sometimes too never know what they are looking at. I too have been a judge and I really appreciate the ones who are doing it. (y) It takes a lot of their time away from the show that we get to just sit back and enjoy. I think you are on the right track to ask what needs to be done to correct what you think is wrong. I know I have been talking to John and we both agree that this site is helping everyone in so many ways! I too think what you are doing is some fine work! :)

I would listen to what has already been said by everyone and for my 2 cents I would outline more on the armor. Go around everything that can be seen and darken it/outline it. This is just my humble opinion.

Keep up the great work! (y)

Hi guys,
I want to thank you all, especially you Guy, for taking the time to comment here.
The things you've said are exactly the reason I post my figures. I do want constructive criticism about my work. It can only help me improve.
I've seen criticism on other sites that could never be thought of as "constructive". Needless to say, I don't put much stock in what these folks think and I rarely visit them.
I found a home at Armorama that I was comfortable with because the comments I would receive were given in the true spirit of comradery. And I can say that planetFigure has the same feel to it. No nasty know-it-alls that build themselves up by tearing down others. Just honest opinions that are meant to help each other out.

So, I reread my initial post and I think I may have given off the wrong impression with it. I've happily reached the point where I'm not a "trophy hound". Early on, it did bother me if I didn't get some kind of recognition for my figures or my models at a show. I've come to realize that just because the judges on that particular day didn't think my work was on a par with the other pieces displayed, it doesn't matter. As long as I like my work, that's all that really counts :). I feel that I can paint a halfway decent figure and build a slightly above average tank and that I'll probably never be one of the greats in the hobby. And that's just fine with me. As long as I know that I tried my best, that's enough. I put my work into shows and it's nice to have it recognized but now I go mainly for the social aspect and to see all the great figures and models on the tables. It's funny to realize that at 45 years old, I'm finally starting to mature :)!

Ok, about this figure...
I see what you guys mean about his looking too "clean". It would probably improve how it looks a great deal. My problem is that I've never been too good at the weathering of the uniforms. It's something I do need to practice.

Well...enough said. Thanks again for your input. It's why I'm here. :)

I am looking forward to seeing what you do next. Sorry to hear that you are starting to mature. :( I know now that at 41 that I will have to do this myself. I agree this is a great hobby and as far as the awards go, I don't think it is bad that you want to have some recognition but I have learned that when someone/peer I admire comes up to me and tells me they like this or that, about one of my figures, it means more than any award can do for me. So you and I may never be one of the Greats! but I would put any of your figures in my display case. (y)

Hello again Craig,
I never took the impression you were a trophy hound. A T-hound would of quit by now and you are going stronger than ever. I hope you work on your bust some and post back with pictures of what you have done. If I, we can be of any away. Learning the weathering, to me, should be done slowly and I have applied the principals of armor modeling to figures as well. After all, they marched in the smae mud as the tanks drove through. I also feel that over the last several years, I have mainly set up a display at shows to support the hobby as the awards are packed away and the show is more enjoyable when you don't have the figures on display. I too, accept that I will never be one of the great masters, but I do accept that my work is good and I am satified to be a good craftsman as I enjoy the hobby. One of the nicest compliments I ever had was a man was standing for a long time looking at my exhibit in Washington, DC and I asked him if he had any questions. He just stated "I am waiting for them to move". That was worth more to me that any BOS or gold.

Guy.. (y)
Joe, I know what you mean about recognition by your peers. I was at MFCA one year and a friend on mine saw Shep Paine studying by centurian bust for several minutes. Well, I had to ask, and it turns out that Shep wasn't even laughing or making any retching sounds. Wow...what a great feeling :)

Guy, I didn't mean to imply that you or anyone else thought I was a trophy hound. I said that only because of how I thought I sounded in my post. My apologies if I offended anyone.

As for going back to work on the mercenery, I usually wouldn't do that but I just might give it a go. Try out some of the ideas presented here. My problem with that is that it takes me so long to get anything done, going back to one can be a real chore. Who knows....:)
Hi Craig
Too many times we put heart and soul into our figures, only to see them
apparently passed over. There are any number of reasons for this but we
will never know, because there is no feedback, nor should there be.

On stock figures, it will always be our own interpretation of the subject, and
your German Mercenary is a fine piece of work.

Sure, you could tweak here and there we all could, but I would leave him as is
representing your painting experience at that time.

Frank (y)
Originally posted by Joe Hudson@Dec 12 2003, 12:05 PM
So you and I may never be one of the Greats! but I would put any of your figures in my display case. (y)

I like to think that we are all great,just different levels of greatness, I belong to a club where a member paints all his flat figures in acylic,s no shading, minimum detail, look great in large sets/dioramas,he is perfectly happy with his lot.
I often think that we worry to much over others opinions of our work,and if the dot/dash,s are in the right place, I too would be happy to store any figures that members have no room for in my cabinet.