Well-Known Member
Ostatnie miesiace da?y mi sie mocno we znaki przede wszystkim przez ciag?y brak czasu, a jesli nawet pojawia?y sie luzniejsze momenty, to brakowa?o mi ochoty i checi zeby cokolwiek skonczyc. Po zesz?orocznym sezonie zosta?o mi ca?e mnóstwo niedokonczonych figur i modeli, nad którymi prace teraz stopniowo staram sie finalizowac. Dzisiaj moge pokazac juz skonczone figurki niemieckich jenców. Na razie nie maja jeszcze podstawki, tym zajme sie w dalszej kolejnosci, poza tym zmieni?em nieco koncepcje.
Sadze, ze to jedne z ciekawszych figur jakie uda?o mi sie wykonac w ostatnim roku. Po wiecej zdjec zapraszam do galerii.
Passing months were very tiresome and full of constant lack of time for my figures and models. Recently I decided to finished all those things I've started back in 2009.
Today I present the finished German POW figures. I really enjoyed this project and I think these are some of the better figures I managed to sculpt during year 2009.
For more pictures visit the gallery.
Sadze, ze to jedne z ciekawszych figur jakie uda?o mi sie wykonac w ostatnim roku. Po wiecej zdjec zapraszam do galerii.
Passing months were very tiresome and full of constant lack of time for my figures and models. Recently I decided to finished all those things I've started back in 2009.
Today I present the finished German POW figures. I really enjoyed this project and I think these are some of the better figures I managed to sculpt during year 2009.
For more pictures visit the gallery.