German Uniform


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Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2006
Hi Planet

I have a question I bought a Vallejo 920 (German Uniform) and I think this paint is not good for germans uniforms??

What is yours opinion

The variation of colors in german "field grey" uniforms cannot be accurately matched by any production of a "stock" paint color. During the war the color may go from a greyish green to olive, grey, almost brown. Wear and tear, dye lots, laundering frequency, sunfade of materials, etc all have an effect. Early war, mid war, late war will also have a difference in manufacturing as well as tailoring and production differences.

The paints out there, Tamiya, Vallejo, Andrea, Model Master, Gunze, Humbrol ad infinitum are a great starting point and all are acceptable in depicting uniforms. You can use the paint straight from the bottle as a starting point if you like and custom mix any shade variation you like to be more acceptable to your aesthetic.
There were also substantial differences in WW2 vs. WWI "issue" uniforms vs. those made by officer's tailors. Feldgrau was not very "uniform" in WWI! Neither were most of the other "uniform" colors.

Of course I'm not a painter, but I agree with Mike - a possible strategy is to consider the theater of the war you're attempting to depict, the time of year, wear and tear from field conditions and then adapt colors to depict what you consider to be the right shades for the specific situation. But what do I know, I'm not a painter! :lol:

All the best,
Hi Damian
I hate 920.Too green and almost impossible to work with(I don't know why!)
Try 830(German Fieldgrey) or 866 (grey green)
tell me which figure are you painting and I'll guess a mix for you(as other forum fellows have stated the tone of field grey you will paint over a figure will depend on theater of war,type of uniform and other circumstances around the subject)
Originally posted by renarts@May 20 2006, 03:52 PM
The variation of colors in german "field grey" uniforms cannot be accurately matched by any production of a "stock" paint color. During the war the color may go from a greyish green to olive, grey, almost brown. Wear and tear, dye lots, laundering frequency, sunfade of materials, etc all have an effect. Early war, mid war, late war will also have a difference in manufacturing as well as tailoring and production differences.

The paints out there, Tamiya, Vallejo, Andrea, Model Master, Gunze, Humbrol ad infinitum are a great starting point and all are acceptable in depicting uniforms. You can use the paint straight from the bottle as a starting point if you like and custom mix any shade variation you like to be more acceptable to your aesthetic.
What he said.

Originally posted by Dan Morton@May 22 2006, 12:06 AM

A suggestion - not particularly original - but it might work for you.

Why don't you Google Images "German+WW2+infantry+France" and see what turns up? If you don't get anything, try Google web "German+reenactors+WW2".

All the best,
I know this but I don't know what is the best paint for it ;)
Hi Damian.
For a faded greenish field grey 830 as base colour and lights adding Sunny skintone 845
For a greyish one,866 as base colour,lights adding Basic Skintone 815.If it looks too grey for you,try adding 974 sky green for highlights