Gettysburg monuments vadalized


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Oct 1, 2003
The miniatures we paint and and or sculpt are inspired in some way by not only books and movies, but the very fields where these conflicts were fought. Nothing is more sad and senseless than individuals that decide to "have some fun" by damaging and sometimes destroying the bronze and stone monuments to these brave men that should also be regarded as national treasures. the garbage that gets their kicks out of doing these things should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. If I had my way this person(s) as part of their punishment should be made to work at hospital where men and women are trying to rebuild what's left of their broken bodies after suffering wounds that were the result of war. Then I'd lock them up for life...wishful thinking I know. So very sad:(~Gary
Boy, those insane bas@#!%$ had a alot ba!!'s to pull down the 114th Pa. monument right along the busy Emmitsburg Road!! :eek: :angry: No doubt there was more than one individual involved....One of them will talk and brag. They always do. Then it will be a matter of time before they're caught.

I'm with Gary on this, they should spend some time in a vetrans hospital. Then pay for damages and spend some jail time too.

Originally posted by Jason W.@Feb 17 2006, 01:40 PM
Boy, those insane bas@#!%$ had a alot ba!!'s to pull down the 114th Pa. monument right along the busy Emmitsburg Road!! :eek: :angry: No doubt there was more than one individual involved....One of them will talk and brag. They always do. Then it will be a matter of time before they're caught.

I'm with Gary on this, they should spend some time in a vetrans hospital. Then pay for damages and spend some jail time too.

It would dishonor the veterans to have scum like that near them. Let them spend time in a cell as Bubba's Biotch.
That's TERRIBLE :angry: :angry: :( !!!! My sympathies to the BRAVE Americans whose memories were desecrated by these MORONS.
Let's hope that they are caught soon and do what one poster on the Civil War forum suggested, FLOGGED !!! My 2 cents worth.
*********s.. how can you insult those who fought in order for you to live freely?? Shame shame shame.

Although I am not an American I agree wholeheartedly about punishing these people as far as the law will allow. We have had the same happen with holocaust monuments here in the Netherlands in the past.

However, and being completely sympathetic, I would like to ask everybody to keep 'a civil tongue'. I like the way the hobby (and historical) conflicts are discussed her: intelligently and calmly. That is why I come here so much more often than other boards.

I hope I haven't stepped on anyone's toes. I just didn't like where this was going.

- Marvin -
Well if you aint able to have monuments of youre own, vandalizing others is just one way to forget your own shortcommings.

I remember when Ive visited S:t Pauls Catethdral in Canterbury and went down in the crypt. It seemed like every schoolboy/girl have carved their name in the sandstone there? :angry:
Originally posted by Kisifer@Feb 18 2006, 02:32 AM
********.. how can you insult those who fought in order for you to live freely?? Shame shame shame.

Xenofon, Though I appreciate your disgust, a few of the words you used in your posting may not be found appropriate for this site. Just a thought.~Gary
Sorry Gary... Is just that i get really sick with those doing such things.. and I can't control myself. My apologies.

Indeed such vandalism is rather base and pointless; we could discuss here for hours on end about the "motives" behind it, etc., but I just wanted to post here these wise words of Rudyard Kipling, a small extract from his famous poem "If" :

"If ... you can watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools, ..."

... And as many of you know, the poem ends with the words "You'll be a Man my son"

So my message is - rebuild those monuments at Gettysburg asap, and make sure those vandals realise that whatever their motive was, the spirit of Gettysburg is unbroken.

Warmest regards,

Johan, Make no mistake those monuments will be back! Unfortunately it will take some time as the National Park Service is strapped for cash. there are already efforts being made to at least raise some of the funds privately as the damage has been estimated at about $50,000. I'm willing to sculpt a piece for auction throught the APG and will send Mike Stelzel an E-mail to see if we can make a contribution of some sort.~Gary
Gary, if a manufacturor would be willing to release a new figure and sales money of that figure would go to the reconstruction of these monuments, then I would buy one; seems a very positive and constructive way to give some help, and it would enable all Pf members to help or to contribute in the reconstruction of the monuments.

Well, it's just an idea, what do you fellow Pf members think ?
Originally posted by Johan@Feb 18 2006, 10:16 AM
Gary, if a manufacturor would be willing to release a new figure and sales money of that figure would go to the reconstruction of these monuments, then I would buy one; seems a very positive and constructive way to give some help, and it would enable all Pf members to help or to contribute in the reconstruction of the monuments.

Well, it's just an idea, what do you fellow Pf members think ?
Johan, There are a few ways that this can be approached. Naturally one wants to do it where the most can be gotten from it. Thanks for making the suggestion. Be it a figure(s) to be sold at an auction, or a commercial piece with some or ALL of the proceeds going toward monument restoration, I will be doing something.~Gary
Those stupid idiots should be taken behind shed and put button to head.. *arrrnnn*

Cheers Mikko :angry:
Originally posted by MikkoH@Feb 18 2006, 03:29 PM
Those stupid idiots should be taken behind shed and put button to head.. *arrrnnn*

Cheers Mikko :angry:
what does this mean?
Button means also bullet and I think you can imagine rest. Sorry if I'm too fierce but it was spontanious reaction at the moment.

Cheers Mikko
I understand your disgust at these actions, and I feel it too, and the culprits will hopefully be caught and punished according to the laws of that country. I personally find such comments disgusting and offensive too. This is a forum about modelling, and not the place for such unthought and reactionary comments.

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