Thanks Ken,much appreciated.Getting attention for fantasy/sci-fi pieces on here can troublesome at times Ralph. It's a grand piece though and as long as YOU enjoyed working on it then sod the lot of em
Lets bomb the planet with space marines and goblins lol!
Thanks Gary,much appreciated.Friendly looking little character Ralph . Having your son get it for you to paint for him seems a good way round the "How do they know?" thing .
Thanks Pedro,much appreciated.Hi Ralph!
About comments, next time try to post your work in Vbench section because contrary to this section works appear on the PF main page which has more visibility.
I think PF staff should change this.
About the work, the teeth looks very realistic on a nice job all round.
Can you share the way you paint the teeth?
I agree about the vbench section and have commeted about it before,but nothing changed.