Acrylics Gold Thread


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Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2012
Ηi All Planet figures.....
Can someone tell me How is the gold thread with acrylics????
Is there any combination????
I have done many try but nothing!!!!!!:(

Thanks a lot!!!!!
Not sure what you mean but if you mean painting gold thread with acrylics try a black wash first then dry brushing with gold

Yeap.......I mean painting gold tread with acrylics....!!!There is some combination of colors?
It helped me a lot.......
I use enamels myself for metallics but try this (I would imagine it is the same for acrylics)

Black wash

Brass main colour

Gold highlights

Hope that helps
I have done many try but nothing!!!!!!:(
Well what have you tried? Without knowing what paints you have or what you've tried it's hard to know where to start, other than to recommend the obvious of using a metallic paint as a starting point, plus glazes/shading etc. and possibly some highlights (in a lighter metallic).

With this type of thing there's a good chance that a lot of the recommendations are going to rely on something you don't have... like maybe the Vallejo alcohol-soluble metallics, or one of the VAC metallics. These are both useful paints but I don't really think they're worth getting just for this.

I always base coat with Vallejo Burnt Umber, then apply a mix of Vallejo Gold and a bit of the Burnt Umber (to tone it down) then I add Vallejo acrylic matt varnish to the mix so it will not 'sparkle'. You can add highlights with just the Gold and a bit less Burnt Umber mixed with the matt varnish.
Hope that helps!
Well what have you tried? Without knowing what paints you have or what you've tried it's hard to know where to start, other than to recommend the obvious of using a metallic paint as a starting point, plus glazes/shading etc. and possibly some highlights (in a lighter metallic).

With this type of thing there's a good chance that a lot of the recommendations are going to rely on something you don't have... like maybe the Vallejo alcohol-soluble metallics, or one of the VAC metallics. These are both useful paints but I don't really think they're worth getting just for this.


How to explain it?
For example for base use old gold + Beige Brown
For Highlights i use Golden Brown + Golden Yellow + Ice Yellow
and for Shadows i use Beige Brown + Chocolate Brown
but doesn't succeed....

I tried with other combinations, but I didn't succeed.:(
What am I doing wrong?????????:(
most people and books will say for best results dont use just acylics i use vallejo old gold as base the a burnt umber oil wash over the top then dry brush highlights with model master gold enamel
How to explain it?
For example for base use old gold + Beige Brown
For Highlights i use Golden Brown + Golden Yellow + Ice Yellow
and for Shadows i use Beige Brown + Chocolate Brown
but doesn't succeed....

I tried with other combinations, but I didn't succeed.:(
What am I doing wrong?????????:(
Okay, that looks a bit like there's not enough metallic paint to give the proper effect. With no metal paint in the highlight mix for example even if the colouring of it is good it'll cloud over the iridescent/metallic look of your undercoat. Some gold thread actually wasn't that metallic looking at all though, so it's possible you have achieved a good effect it's just not quite what you were looking for.

Given what you have already one thing I'd suggest trying is a thin coating of the Old Gold (or something a bit lighter if you have it), this could re-establish the metallic look without covering over all your shading done so far.

most people and books will say for best results dont use just acylics...
I think you'll find at least as many who say you can use just acrylics, given the popularity of the paint :) Just need to use a good type and use 'em well and the effect can be as good as with enamels, printers' inks or whatever (for embroidery, not so much for larger areas of metal).

I use Vallejo Goldbrown as a base, Highlight with brass, wash with burnt umber, high light with gold. If you want you can use a little silver to pick some high highlights... but that would be for larger bits like epaullettes, thick braid or flounders.
I find the flat goldbrown base gives the impression of wool threaded with bullion thread. Straight metallics make it look like the clothing is gold plated instead of embroidered.

Hope that helps

A nice combination is base with Reaper Green Ochre then base + Reaper faded Kahki.
next is straight Faded Khaki then that + Reaper Palimino gold then Palimino gold for your last highlight. For the highest highs where the light reflects you can add whit to the Palimino gold but not much.
The shadows you can use Reapers Chestnut brown or Vallejo Terra cotta and add a touch of Reapers Walnut brown but use very little!! I have tried several combinations but this is what I found works the best. You can use this mix for doing NMM gold also.