Hey guys !
Thank you very much for the good wishes, my friends !!! Yes, I had a really GREATday and I managed to complete my latest figure vignette, bar painting it . I'll post it soon for you to have a look before I start the painting process. Cheers !
Kenneth .
Thanks, Einion and Vergilius for the good wishes ! Wish I was at the World Expo about now; that would have been a PERFECT day indeed . Cheers !
Kenneth .
Hey Joe !
Nice to hear from you again, my friend ! Not at the World Expo this year ? I really wish I could go this time round, but circumstances prevented it . What have I been working on ? Well, I've sculpted a WW1 German anti-tank rifleman (armed with the Mauser T-18 rifle) in a trench with his pet cat . Cool, huh ? I'll try to post some pictures soon before I paint it just to show you what it looks like "in the raw". Cheers !
Hi Guy !
Thanks for the best wishes, my friend . So sorry to miss wishing you a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY on your actual day . Anyways, I hope it was a GOOD one and that you got some REALLY COOL figures as presents. Cheers !
Kenneth .
Hey Tony !
Thank you very much for the good wishes, my friend ! I'll be looking forward to more good stuff from your talented hands. Cheers !
Kenneth .
Dan, my friend, thank you ever so much for the good wishes ! Looking forward to the first images of the new WW1 figures from your company (you know what I mean ). Cheers !
Kenneth .
Victor, my bro', thank you very much indeed ! Looking forward to showing you the completed groundwork for the WW1 tank-hunter; I think you'll like it . Cheers !
Kenneth .