A Fixture
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- Dec 24, 2003
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Happy New Year everyone. Here's my annual letter starting the membership drive for 2016. I hope you'll take a minute and give it a read. Looking forward to getting you on board or if you're a member working with you again this year. Best, Mike Stelzel
January 1, 2016
Dear Friends,
It’s that time of year again and like for the past 10 years I’m asking that you renew your membership to the APG. Yes, 10 years! Hard to believe isn’t it? In that time we’ve done some great things and by my rough count raised almost $100,000 for preservation. Well done. Our latest donation was $3600 to the Museum of the American Civil War, formerly the Museum of the Confederacy, for the preservation of the doll “Nina.” The doll Nina, a very unique item " was filled with quinine and morphine, which in that way was smuggled through [the blockade] to the sick soldiers. She was carried in the arms of Gen. [James Patton] Anderson's small niece during the war, and afterwards presented to his daughter. 'Nina' was a much loved member of the Anderson family." When preservation is complete the doll will be placed on exhibit in the museum in Richmond, VA.
2016 brings some new exciting firsts for us. This year we will take our biennial fundraising show in a different direction -- rather than put on a figure show by ourselves, we will team up with the Miniature Figure Collectors of America (MFCA) and hold our event at their annual show. The show will be the same MFCA Show known throughout the world but we will add to it with a tour, an auction, and a flats painting seminar by Penny Meyer. Penny will be using Gary Dombrowski’s donated flat of a Continental Officer. I am also currently working on adding a “special guest” and an exhibit from the Museum of the American Revolution.
The second first for us the donation of over 200 painted miniatures, scratch built WW1 airplanes, and artwork from the collection of Joel Glass. We are still working out the details but these pieces will be made available for auction and purchase over time. This is a great opportunity for the APG and collectors. Thank you Joel.
We have 3 new items promised in the way of sculpts for the APG Store in addition to Gary’s new relief. The first is a 1/9 scale bust of Thomas Jefferson by Matt Springer. The bust will be available for the Atlanta Show in Feb. Due for the show in May are 2 new ‘75’s by Carl Reid. One will be a Woodland Indian from the F&I War, the second will be a militiaman from the Rev War.
We are also soliciting applications for board memberships. The vote will take place in Feb at the Atlanta Show and Annual Board Meeting. If you are interested please notify Jon Harbuck for details.
Finally I hope that you all have a great 2016. I hope to see many of you at future shows and especially the MFCA/APG Show in May.
Thanks for your support.
Mike Stelzel
January 1, 2016
Dear Friends,
It’s that time of year again and like for the past 10 years I’m asking that you renew your membership to the APG. Yes, 10 years! Hard to believe isn’t it? In that time we’ve done some great things and by my rough count raised almost $100,000 for preservation. Well done. Our latest donation was $3600 to the Museum of the American Civil War, formerly the Museum of the Confederacy, for the preservation of the doll “Nina.” The doll Nina, a very unique item " was filled with quinine and morphine, which in that way was smuggled through [the blockade] to the sick soldiers. She was carried in the arms of Gen. [James Patton] Anderson's small niece during the war, and afterwards presented to his daughter. 'Nina' was a much loved member of the Anderson family." When preservation is complete the doll will be placed on exhibit in the museum in Richmond, VA.
2016 brings some new exciting firsts for us. This year we will take our biennial fundraising show in a different direction -- rather than put on a figure show by ourselves, we will team up with the Miniature Figure Collectors of America (MFCA) and hold our event at their annual show. The show will be the same MFCA Show known throughout the world but we will add to it with a tour, an auction, and a flats painting seminar by Penny Meyer. Penny will be using Gary Dombrowski’s donated flat of a Continental Officer. I am also currently working on adding a “special guest” and an exhibit from the Museum of the American Revolution.
The second first for us the donation of over 200 painted miniatures, scratch built WW1 airplanes, and artwork from the collection of Joel Glass. We are still working out the details but these pieces will be made available for auction and purchase over time. This is a great opportunity for the APG and collectors. Thank you Joel.
We have 3 new items promised in the way of sculpts for the APG Store in addition to Gary’s new relief. The first is a 1/9 scale bust of Thomas Jefferson by Matt Springer. The bust will be available for the Atlanta Show in Feb. Due for the show in May are 2 new ‘75’s by Carl Reid. One will be a Woodland Indian from the F&I War, the second will be a militiaman from the Rev War.
We are also soliciting applications for board memberships. The vote will take place in Feb at the Atlanta Show and Annual Board Meeting. If you are interested please notify Jon Harbuck for details.
Finally I hope that you all have a great 2016. I hope to see many of you at future shows and especially the MFCA/APG Show in May.
Thanks for your support.
Mike Stelzel