A friend has inherited some really nice porcelain Napoleonic figures. They are, I assume, made in France and the manufacturer is Vangerdinge. I have tried Google but can find no information on them. Can anyone shed some light on these figures?
Hi. Tried JJ Van Gerdinge and Google didn't give any links and the chess site is in French and didn't seem to cover what I am looking for. These figurines are soldiers from Napoleon's various regiments. They are about 10-12 inches in height and really detailed (leather belts etc). They appear to be limited to 750 per figurine and are all numbered.
I believe they are worth money but cannot find any information. The person who has them thinks they are from the 1970's.
Producer is Adrien Van Gerdinge. I am a collector as well. Half my collection is Louis XV era. First indication of production is 1960 in a membership list of Societe des Figurines Historiques (now Carnets de la Sabretache) where Van Gerdinge is listed as a member that produces porcelain figures. Another listing in 1965 shows that he had produced four figurines (two Louis XV and two Napoleonic). He produced a single military figure per year. He died earlier this year. I have significantly more information on this rare subject should you have additional interest
I am a recently appointed Executor of an Estate which has a collection of the Van Gerdinge Napoleonic and Louis XV soldiers and horses. Obviously valuation is one aspect but it was the deceased`s specific request that they should if possible be loaned to a charitable institution and form part of an exhibition to mark the 200th anniversary of Waterloo. Any further thoughts to add , information or suggestions which may assist me.