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A Fixture
Oct 2, 2013
Hello to all planeters
I have a great wish to start sculpting figures. So far I work on 54 mm but I want to start one figure 75mm high but my problem is that I never saw a figure of 75 mm scale (they are to expensive to import them in Serbia).
If anyone have some drawings,pictures or anything that would help me to make a armature in 75 mm scale I would be most greatfull.
Dear friend if you can do it in 54mm you can probably do it in 75mm too.Most companies use the 9-heads or the 8 1/2-heads rule.Take a piece of paper and measure 75mm upon it.Divide the 75 mm into 9 or 8 1/2 equal parts.Each part is roughly the size of your figure's head.Using that as a rule draw the basic body parts by pencil and then use your drawing to estimate the length of the basic skeletal bones(your armature).By using the 9-heads rule you'll end up with a figure with slimmer proportions than with the 81/2-heads rule (it all depends on what you want to depict, an elf or a barbarian? a hussar or a cuirassier?You get my point).Alternatively get picture from a magazine or book that is roughly the size you need,with appropriate proportions and use it as a template.Finally if you are familiar with technology you can get any picture of man or woman that you like scan it and use your computer to translate it to roughly the size that suits you.If you don't mind(and what follows is a strictly personal point of view,so no offence people I have the utmost respect for all my peers),I have always considered 54mm (1/32) to be the figure modelling scale par excellene,everything else more of a novelty than the rule.So don't feel bad for not having many 75mm in your country,if you can paint or sculpt in 54mm you can definitely do it in almost any other scale.Hope I helped.Best regards by a Greek friend modeller.
