Hi everyone, I introduce myself


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Active Member
Mar 1, 2008
metz-nancy ...
Hello all,

After many problems to conclude my inscription, I'm finally here !

I'm very proud and honorate to post my first topic on this great forum which host so good painters and sculptors!

My name is maxime, I'm 19 , student in architecture (actually). I sculpt and paint minis since 2005 as a hobby. Those minis are ( for the moment) only fantastic and sci-fi figures, but I think going on historical soon ;)

To conclude my introduction, here are some of my minis: thank you for looking at, and already sorry for my poor english ;) !


This is a work based on the novel "the plague" by Albert Camus. This ins plasticard, and the mini is from hazgaard miniatures.


A mini from the tabletob game "helldorado" which i took pleasure to scene with old pieces of watch.


This is a 54mm sculpture inspired by the french game "alkemy", no so detailled and fine, but pleasant to do ;)


Finally, this is a work in progress on the universe of "warhammer 40k", imperial guards 1/35e, one is based on an alpine miniature. the base is from Christophe Bauer (CBArt miniatures). the photos are ugly, I'll post better pics soon!

Thank you for seeing my topic, hope you like it!

Welcome Maxime!

Your work looks great, especially considering how long you have been painting and sculpting. It's nice to have another fantasy/sci-fi mini painter around. :)

You speak (and type) English quite well! (En francais, je parle comme un enfant. Mais non, plus mal.)
Salut Maxime et bienvenue sur PF

J'aime beaucoup " la peste".
Beau travail (même si c'est du fantastique ;))

Wendy : your french is not so bad for a child :D
Welcome Maxime.
I never paint a mini, but the first two are extremely well painted. Not my favorite stuff, but you did great brushwork on that.
I hope you like it here.

Welcome Maxime! You have done fantastic works!!! My best is the first, excelent work WOW!

You are a young master with big talent! :cool:

Welcome Maxime,
There are many beautiful things that you presented to us . Finish your 54mm,
he promises!
Your Alpine's conversion, courage was necessary as the originals are magnificent!

Moi aussi je craque pour "La Peste":)

How do you do,Maxime.
My name is HIKARU.
Your work is wonderful.
And it's original.
I expect a work your next time.