WIP "HO Scale Soft Plastic" CSA Artillery Battery


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Active Member
Jul 16, 2022
Lorne, Virginia USA
"HO Scale Soft Plastic" CSA Artillery Battery sadly still on my bench after a couple of decades. I don't know about you guys but I LOVE to start new projects but actually finishing them can be a problem. One of my many afflictions I reckon. .........
BTW, that "Braille Scale" is awfully hard on a fella's eyes!
I think we all have that same affliction. I have quite a few figures, kits that were started with so much enthusiasm, but ended up back in their boxes when builders block set in..
But it doesnt hurt to take a fresh look at a project a decade or two later LOL... except in your case...
For me 54mm is the new Braille scale. I would have no chance with 72nd scale these days and the specs have to be on to do even the simplest of things like reading..

Nice, RB! What brand are those? The bases make me think of Atlantic, but I wouldn't venture the guess.

Along with the pilot or crew figures in my plane and tank kits when I was a kid, I painted Airfix' HO and 1/72 figures as I started out. Back then, that, and Atlantic's Greeks and Trojans, were the only wargame scale figures I could get at our hobby store. I had the Romans and Britons, several sets of WWII figures from the Airfix/MPC diorama kits, and then I moved into Napoleonics. But it was a lot of fun. I had a Waterloo wargame set up on a 4x8 sheet of plywood in the basement, by the time I graduated high school and entered my hobby hiatus. Yes, they were a lot of fun!

I hope you pick these up again and finish them, it will be cool to see your results!
