Hornet Waffen SS Offizier head


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Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2004
I haven't done any face painting in ages, so decided to get the Hornets out yesterday. So far I have just added the base layers, and the close ups are not too kind to me. The eye whites need touching up, as do some of the areas around the Totenkopf, which will receive some shadowing anyway. I can see where I went wrong with the Waffenfarbe on the last shot, but I am happy with the casting imperfections, since they make the face look a little more weather beaten and battle scarred.





Martin, maybe it's just me but the eyes appear to be looking in two different directions in the first photo. Pretty easy to fix, but if that's the case, make sure to fix them. Nice crispness on your pupils. Tone the whites down a little and you have got it ;)

Jim Patrick
Originally posted by Jim Patrick@Apr 17 2006, 07:16 AM
Martin, maybe it's just me but the eyes appear to be looking in two different directions in the first photo. Pretty easy to fix, but if that's the case, make sure to fix them. Nice crispness on your pupils. Tone the whites down a little and you have got it ;)

Jim Patrick
Jim, I have the benefit of correct lighting there, since I didn't add the pupils yet. They are a relief added by the sculptor. He does look a little boss eyed, maybe I will add some glasses. So this guy obviously joined up after the strict recruitment guidelines were dropped. ;)

thanks for the comments. The camera is an old Nikon Coolpix 5700. On manual, macro 1/15, f2.8, no flash. Cropped in PS 7 with 300dpi. I think that I got some heads at a show in Telford, which were ever so slightly seconds. 99% of the time, Hornet heads are flawless.


I did some more face painting to day, and frankly I realised how much I need to improve. Luckily I have a box full of Hornet heads to practise on. The body of the figure is an old Wolf piece that went wrong, so I decided to keep it for testing out techniques. The first three are a bit over exposed, as the blonde hair looks washed out. A better light set up is next on my shopping list after summer. Any comments always greatly received.


Good job, given you've been out of your groove for a while

Try Gunze Mr. Surfacer 500 or 1000 for filling fine imperfections which can be seen in many castings, even great ones like those from Hornet.

Mr. Surfacer acts both as a super viscous filler (meaning it flows easily, unlike putty, even well-thinned filler putty) and as a primer.

Most paints used as primers are usually too thin to fill imperefctions unless you use multiple thick coats.


