Judging judging: there's a dichotomy for you. Asking people what they think about judging is a bit like asking what they think of broccoli. Some like it, some don't. And it is completely subjective anyway.
But I think Bob is expressing it in the best way here. Judging is SUBJECTIVE! It is not "scientific" or some perfectly established monolithic pardigm. It is asking a given person (the judge) what they think of this or that. And you will get as many answers as there are people judging.
Sometimes you do well, sometimes you don't. And that is really what people concern themselves with when it comes to judging. I have gotten awards when I thought they were undeserved. And, I have been spurned when I thought I should have done better. C'est la vie!
If we all guide our lives by what other people think of us, we will have triumphs and disappointments. That is the nature of things. But to put the blame on this amorphous thing called "judging" is missing the point altogether.
In other words, get over yourself! Most judges have the best intentions. Those who clearly don't, usually get found out right away and they are not asked to judge again. But judges are human too. And, some like broccoli and some don't. If your work is broccoli, then, well, do I need to explain that? Sometimes being judged is like playing the lotto.
So, if your ego is easily bruised, then you can always put a little stamp on your entry blank that says "NOT IN COMPETITION". That way the "evil judges" can't diss you.
Or, you can do like Bob does. Take it in stride and try to use it as a learning experience. That is getting over your silly ego, trying to gain more understanding and learning how to improve.
That is a whole lot better than wallowing in the quagmire of your own, self-inflicted, obfuscations. Do you know what I mean?