I'm asking the experts for help...


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Jon Metters

Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2006
Boston, (Brookline) MA USA
Hey there everyone.

I posted this already - but your silence was deafening. (I'm thinking this means that my idea is a bad one in general - but I thought I'd give it one last gasp.)

I am thinking about a project - and would love any and all opinions on this subject. Feel free to blow it out of the water, if you like.

I am contemplating making an instructional video for painting/converting 1/72 scale plastic figures. I realize I'm not "master" in the figure world - but I'm pretty good at the 1/72 scale, and I have made instructional videos before - (not having anything to do with modeling). I know I could make a video/dvd that would meet or exceed the quality of many of the instructional figure painting tapes I've bought over the years.

With that said I'd love to start a free-for all of opinions.

To prime the pump - here are a few questions:

Am I CRAZY for even thinking this?

Can you make any money on these things?

If so, how? Try to partner up with a big internet hobby store maybe?

Are there other videos/dvds for 1/72 out there? I have searched and only found one.

Anyone have any experience with this kind of thing?

I know a site devoted to Wargamming might be a more appropriate venue for these questions - but I wanted to ask you folks, as there seem to many more of you in "the business."

For those who've never seen my work, I'll include a couple of pix:

Many thanks in advance for any thoughts on this one.


Jon Metters


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For what it's worth, here's my 2 cents. Your figures & diorama are great. I'm amazed at all the detail you pack into such a small space. I greatly admire your patience & artistry, not to mention, your eyesight. Strictly from my own point of view (see previous reference to 2 cents), I'd think you might get a more accurate response on a war gaming site. I'd guess that most of the folks involved with that are younger people with exceptional eyesight. While I do occasionally paint some of the smaller Warhammer type figures, 1/72 scale is way too small for my eyes now that I've reached my dotage. Hope this helps a bit. Good luck with your project & I look forward to seeing more of your work here.

Hello Jon,

I agree with Mike. Although facinating to see what you have done with this scale, most of us are into the larger scales. Years ago I painted many of these too and now find my eyes better suited for larger scales. The War-gaming website might be a better arena for this scale.

As far as making an income from such a venture I feel you would need a much broader audience to make such a venture profitable. I do alot of commission work and no one has asked me for this scale in over 25 years.

just my 2cents

Go for it! It's a great idea! I'd buy it. As far as how to go about...No clue.

Are you familiar with this site?- http://www.plasticsoldierreview.com/Index.htm

Check out the links section and I'm sure you'l find related forums for this scale.

Please continue to post your work. There are still fans of this scale on this forum, though some may just lurk.

Hey, how about an SBS on painting 1/72's sometime?
