Italian "Ardito" 1917 - Somewhere on the low Isonzo river


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Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
Castelleone (CR)
here's a new little sculputure about famous italian's special forces named "arditi". Arditi born in 1917 near Udine and were employed in many parts of italian front.
My figure it's set on the south part of the front, between Hermada hill and middle course of Isonzo river.

I tried to represente every aspect of the terrifyng war on the Carso... stony fiery, barbed wire, unburied corps and unesploded weapons...

Hope you like it

Thanks a lot guys! especially because it is a very long time that I do not paint anymore, so your compliment makes me even more pleasure!!
Nice to see something from a much neglected but important theatre of WWI, which was about much more than just the trenches of the Western Front / Gallipoli.

- Steve
the front of the low- isonzo , where they concentrated the main battles , was characterized by very difficult terrain, , stony with very little presence of water, always uphill lines of attack and defensive trenches constantly disadvantageous position because dominated by the Austrians . General Cadorna had a very strong character and very few officers, who were immediately removed , tried to oppose his commands . Most instead merely passing orders even if ludicrous and impossible , to undergo in the command line , to anchor finally to non-commissioned officers on the firing line . Many preferred to disobey rather send the massacre thousands of men fighting position clearly uncatchable .
I'm so happy you're interested about our unknown front... many, even in Italy , think that the great war was fought only on the Alps front.. but most of the war action (and massacre!) took place right on the Carso
Vincenzo - Nice figure and groundwork! Thanks for giving us the bloody and cruel history of the campaign and seeing the potential "teaching moment' in your figure.

I've always thought the attached illustration would make a super Italian Arditi figure!

All the best,


  • Arditi patriotic illustration.jpg
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