Well-Known Member
This might have been better in another section but I'm here now!
In the (admittedly few) articles I've managed to find on figure sculpting I've come across two different schools of thought concerning scale.
One states that the measurements should be made from the soles of the feet to the top of the head, while another says it should be from the soles to the eye.
This means that, for example, that a "54mm" scale figure could be anywhere between 54mm tall to maybe 60mm (with all the corresponding enlargement of features) or, in the case of a Benieto figure I've recently bought, 64mm ??
While this is not really an issue if the sculptor is making all associated equipment & trappings for the figure, what happens when commercially available pieces are used in conjuction? (i.e Weapons, gear etc.)
I'm just wondering what side of the fence everybody here is on?
(or some of the major manufacturers for that matter!? I'm thinking of some of Verlinden's 1/35th figures being reportedly closer to 1/32nd?)
In the (admittedly few) articles I've managed to find on figure sculpting I've come across two different schools of thought concerning scale.
One states that the measurements should be made from the soles of the feet to the top of the head, while another says it should be from the soles to the eye.
This means that, for example, that a "54mm" scale figure could be anywhere between 54mm tall to maybe 60mm (with all the corresponding enlargement of features) or, in the case of a Benieto figure I've recently bought, 64mm ??
While this is not really an issue if the sculptor is making all associated equipment & trappings for the figure, what happens when commercially available pieces are used in conjuction? (i.e Weapons, gear etc.)
I'm just wondering what side of the fence everybody here is on?
(or some of the major manufacturers for that matter!? I'm thinking of some of Verlinden's 1/35th figures being reportedly closer to 1/32nd?)