Thank You, Kevin!
87.Day, 26. February 2013
Now today: TheSash!
I've decided to give a sash of red- and goldbrocade to Iwan Sirko.
For thisI use these colors...:

As gold paint I use this timet he gold of"Vallejo", for - compared to the gold of"Andrea" – it has a distinctreddish tinge-and also not as intense lights.
The next photo showswhat I mean!
On the lef tthe gold from Andrea (NAC-55), on the right "Vallejo Model Color" 996 ...:

But - how brocade painting?
I do it like this…:
On the whole sash is not painted a singlebrushstroke-but always with a new mixture of the above shown colorsspotted point by pointnext to and about each other.
Do you do it patiently and in sufficient detail,with each swabismore animpression ofred and gold-brocade!
I wanteds omething like that from the startbefore - and I'm glad Icould make up my mindto repaint the pistol-lock from "brass" to"iron" -otherwise it would be"down there" become too colorful...
So -i f I do not mess it upmore, that was the last part of the bust, which had to be painted...:

Tomorrow will be"the wedding" -the head becomes mounted...