Jean Lannes or not...


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Staff member
Jun 27, 2009
Brussels Belgium
Hello Planeteers,
This is the last one for this year, an older Verlinden bust which should represent Maréchal Lannes as Colonel-general of the Swiss troops. Far from being a faultless bust, it was at least a good exercise in patiently painting lace! Thanks for looking and don't spare your critic/comments.


While the Verlinden busts have been around a while, I personally don't have a problem with them unless they are historically inaccurate. (But then I have a very large gray army of old figures/busts waiting to be painted. ;))

The detail maybe a little heavy and stiff but they still look decent when painted, as does yours.

I agree with Nap, while you have obviously already added highlights and shadows to the braid and fringe, I would probably go over it again with a very controlled sepia wash to make the detail stand out even more and then go back and add some limited highlights to make it pop. The problem I try to overcome with some of my figures is that I over blend everything to the point where it looks like only one color. You really should see a few distinctly different shades of the base color with subtle transitions between. The holy grail of painting, and I'm still working on it at age 71. :) All that said, the bust looks really nice and I would probably leave it as is and take the comments into account on the next one.
