A Fixture
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Sous-officier de Uhlan prussien en 1914.
Item # JMD001.
54 mm. Resin
Sculpted by Jean DANEL
Painted by Jean-Noel COURTOIS
Available Nov. Nov. 18th. 2006.
German Infantryman.
Item # JMD002.
54 mm. resin
Sculpted by Jean DANEL
Painted by Jean-Noel Courtons
Available November 18th 2006.
<img class=news src='' width='2' height='150'><img class=news src='[url]' alt='Click to Enlarge' height='150'>[/url]<img class=news src='' width='2' height='150'><img class=news src='[url]' alt='Click to Enlarge' height='150'>[/url]<img class=news src='' width='2' height='150'>
Sous-officier de Uhlan prussien en 1914.
Item # JMD001.
54 mm. Resin
Sculpted by Jean DANEL
Painted by Jean-Noel COURTOIS
Available Nov. Nov. 18th. 2006.
German Infantryman.
Item # JMD002.
54 mm. resin
Sculpted by Jean DANEL
Painted by Jean-Noel Courtons
Available November 18th 2006.