- Joined
- Jan 10, 2012
- Messages
- 7
posted by roman, jarhead, kong
I felt it is time again for some Jungle News due several reasons.
First of all the last one was written back in February 2011 which is quite some time back. Second there is much to tell and announce that would just simply overwhelm the jungle when written in single posts and third I need to empty my brain from all my burdens
- I somehow have so much running through my mind and I just have to let go in here and find some time to rest on the stormy shore in my head. I try to do Jungle News more often from now on to find back some discipline and order again. Sometimes you need such a reset in your brain to fly into the future 
So enjoy, read carefully to get the information you require and leave a comment if you got any questions or just want to write "Banana!" in the apes jungle territory.
Let's start with some MV News.
Different Infos about Competitions, Report and Painting Classes, which in the end might be the biggest part in these news.
There is but one to talk about right now: The MV Easter Season Challenge which ended yesterday night. Your Apes want to thank those who participated deeply. We never expected so many entries with such a strange but creative task.
As many named us one of the best in the Internet when it comes to creative competitions about miniatures we just have to give you the credits back. Really it is just about your entries and everyone is simply stunning. We are truely amazed and still sorting out the entries to bring up a big gallery for you here in the jungle. You might expect to see those around Wednesday next week. Please be patient.
Maybe you recognized the jungle for having some virus proplems in the last months. We are finally safe like Fort Knox again and had to remove the linked up galleries to some of our older contests as they have been the reason for some security problems. In the near future you will find our contest entries in galleries on our facebook account.
We are sorry due these reasons but the jungle is already so filled up with information it is about time to get it slim again. We keep you informed about it!
The awesome unique project you can win is growing constantly. Started with the idea of Matt and Ben it seems like it is becoming a deep dive into my mind's wonderlands. Thanks for further more entries in the last couple of weeks they really keep me motivated in keeping it growing. If you want to learn more about the big 1000 Follower celebrations check this link!
You guys and gals won't believe what is coming at you soon, murharrrhhararrrraarrrrrr! BÄMALÄMDINGDONG!!!
You might have seen the first video of the weekend report already. Another one is still in the making but it will take time and your patience to see it done. As I write those words Peter aka Baphomet is writing up a nice article with some photos for you. So stay tuned and be patient with your monkeys.
We had some relaxed days of painting with some guests before and after the weekend - and we did find to paint together - if you are interested in a little photo gallery of those moments check here on my facebook profile.
Additional there is now a little gallery of photos of friends we did meet at the Duke and funny moments - check here!
Stay tuned for Peter's big report and more videos!
The class in Paris (France) is now finally prepared and all people interested should soon recieve their final invitation email with details and more information about the class.
There are now 2 classes in Hamburg (Germany) after so many people have been interested in taking part. The first weekend is already filled up to the limits but the second weekend holds still some free spots for maybe exactly you!!
Raffa and I are preparing the first follow up class that we will have in about 5~6 weeks in Aachen, Germany. This is gonna be magical we promise. There are still some free spots so maybe we see you in Aachen (Germany)?
One of the upcoming classes is in July in Ludwigsburg (Germany) and you might be able to get your place due the waiting list - check it here!
At the moment there are further plannings of future classes - stay tuned!
03.01.2012 Saarwellingen, Germany, 15,00 $
11.01.2012 Löhne, Germany, 20,00 $
06.02.2012 Tokyo, Japan, 20,00 $
03.03.2012 Berlin, Germany 20,00 $
19.03.2012 Mondovi, Italy 5,00 $
27.03.2012 Girona, Spain, 60,00 $
28.03.2012 Tulsa 50,00 $
11.04.2012 Sebnitz, Germany 10,00 $
23.04.2012 Little Canada, USA, 15,00 $
If you like what we are doing on Massive Voodoo and you want support us the best way to do so would be a donation via Paypal using the button below. We would appreciate support in any kind.
Please notice that your donation strictly goes to Roman/Jarhead/Kong first by using the Paypal button. If you have a special donation wish to one of the apes please write it to your Paypal-Donation.
This is truely worth a read and is now linked up to the jungle's blog roll:
Sculpting Tutorials
Don't miss this awesome update on my personal jungle drums ...
Sometimes I talk to much instead of getting things done, building castles in the sky without setting forth ... and sometimes I realize it after a while and get back to cannonball-mode
Do you already have your own MV Shirt?
Continue reading...

I felt it is time again for some Jungle News due several reasons.
First of all the last one was written back in February 2011 which is quite some time back. Second there is much to tell and announce that would just simply overwhelm the jungle when written in single posts and third I need to empty my brain from all my burdens

So enjoy, read carefully to get the information you require and leave a comment if you got any questions or just want to write "Banana!" in the apes jungle territory.

Let's start with some MV News.
Different Infos about Competitions, Report and Painting Classes, which in the end might be the biggest part in these news.
There is but one to talk about right now: The MV Easter Season Challenge which ended yesterday night. Your Apes want to thank those who participated deeply. We never expected so many entries with such a strange but creative task.

Maybe you recognized the jungle for having some virus proplems in the last months. We are finally safe like Fort Knox again and had to remove the linked up galleries to some of our older contests as they have been the reason for some security problems. In the near future you will find our contest entries in galleries on our facebook account.
We are sorry due these reasons but the jungle is already so filled up with information it is about time to get it slim again. We keep you informed about it!
The awesome unique project you can win is growing constantly. Started with the idea of Matt and Ben it seems like it is becoming a deep dive into my mind's wonderlands. Thanks for further more entries in the last couple of weeks they really keep me motivated in keeping it growing. If you want to learn more about the big 1000 Follower celebrations check this link!
and a little teaser ...
You guys and gals won't believe what is coming at you soon, murharrrhhararrrraarrrrrr! BÄMALÄMDINGDONG!!!
You might have seen the first video of the weekend report already. Another one is still in the making but it will take time and your patience to see it done. As I write those words Peter aka Baphomet is writing up a nice article with some photos for you. So stay tuned and be patient with your monkeys.
We had some relaxed days of painting with some guests before and after the weekend - and we did find to paint together - if you are interested in a little photo gallery of those moments check here on my facebook profile.
Additional there is now a little gallery of photos of friends we did meet at the Duke and funny moments - check here!
Stay tuned for Peter's big report and more videos!

The class in Paris (France) is now finally prepared and all people interested should soon recieve their final invitation email with details and more information about the class.
There are now 2 classes in Hamburg (Germany) after so many people have been interested in taking part. The first weekend is already filled up to the limits but the second weekend holds still some free spots for maybe exactly you!!

One of the upcoming classes is in July in Ludwigsburg (Germany) and you might be able to get your place due the waiting list - check it here!
At the moment there are further plannings of future classes - stay tuned!
03.01.2012 Saarwellingen, Germany, 15,00 $
11.01.2012 Löhne, Germany, 20,00 $
06.02.2012 Tokyo, Japan, 20,00 $
03.03.2012 Berlin, Germany 20,00 $
19.03.2012 Mondovi, Italy 5,00 $
27.03.2012 Girona, Spain, 60,00 $
28.03.2012 Tulsa 50,00 $
11.04.2012 Sebnitz, Germany 10,00 $
23.04.2012 Little Canada, USA, 15,00 $
If you like what we are doing on Massive Voodoo and you want support us the best way to do so would be a donation via Paypal using the button below. We would appreciate support in any kind.
Please notice that your donation strictly goes to Roman/Jarhead/Kong first by using the Paypal button. If you have a special donation wish to one of the apes please write it to your Paypal-Donation.

This is truely worth a read and is now linked up to the jungle's blog roll:
Sculpting Tutorials

Click for - maybe - mmh, ya ... Inspiration ...
GDC Vault - The Art of Diablo III (awesome)

Don't miss this awesome update on my personal jungle drums ...

Sometimes I talk to much instead of getting things done, building castles in the sky without setting forth ... and sometimes I realize it after a while and get back to cannonball-mode

Do you already have your own MV Shirt?
Continue reading...