PlanetFigure Supporter
The following kits are for sale from SC in the US. Prices are in dollars.
VERLINDEN 200mm resin King Henry V @ Agincourt $60.00 SOLD
POST MILITAIRE 90mm metal Timurid Emir $60.00
DAVID PARKINS 120mm resin & metal WW1 Robin Redbreast SOLD
calls on lads in khaki $40.00
BONAPARTE 90mm resin Mounted French Musketeer $70.00
KIRIN 150mm resin William Wallace (Mike Good sculpt) $25.00
POST MILITAIRE 90mm metal Standing Horse $60.00 SOLD
BLACK SHEEP 120mm resin German 6th Army WW2 SOLD
MIG 1/9 scale resin bust Roman 1st Legio/Augustus $25.00
VICTORY 120mm resin Marines Off. Trafalgar $30.00
EMI 90mm metal German Landsnecht Halberdier $55.00
VERLINDEN 200mm resin King Henry V @ Agincourt $60.00 SOLD
POST MILITAIRE 90mm metal Timurid Emir $60.00
DAVID PARKINS 120mm resin & metal WW1 Robin Redbreast SOLD
calls on lads in khaki $40.00
BONAPARTE 90mm resin Mounted French Musketeer $70.00
KIRIN 150mm resin William Wallace (Mike Good sculpt) $25.00
POST MILITAIRE 90mm metal Standing Horse $60.00 SOLD
BLACK SHEEP 120mm resin German 6th Army WW2 SOLD
MIG 1/9 scale resin bust Roman 1st Legio/Augustus $25.00
VICTORY 120mm resin Marines Off. Trafalgar $30.00
EMI 90mm metal German Landsnecht Halberdier $55.00
Payment through Paypal using Goods and Services. Shipping will be by USPS. Most singular items can ship 1st Class. You can PM me here or email to [email protected] for shipping cost.