Dan Morton
A Fixture
Husars of the KuK armed forces of Austro-Hungary.
Pre-war Husars.jpg236.2 KB
Uniform colors of Husar Regiments.jpg201.1 KB
Husar bugler.jpg221.8 KB
Husarenregiment Graf Radasdy # 9 & King of Prussia #7.jpg43.4 KB
KUK Korporal of Hussars in dress uniform.jpg217.3 KB
Two Husar uniforms on the right.gif171.7 KB
Dress Attila back.gif52.1 KB
Dress Attila front.gif57.3 KB
Attila back.jpg12.2 KB
Attila front.jpg12 KB
Officers hat.jpg13.1 KB
Officers hat detail.jpg15.5 KB