Kuthulun 120mm RP Models


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Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2016
Hintlesham, Ipswich, Suffolk,
Hi All,

I have recently completed Kuthulun from RP Models. It is the 120mm kit and is absolutely full of amazing detail. Came in lots of pieces so was a long one to build and paint. As this was so detailed I wanted a good base to go with it. I used the round rocky base supplied with the kit and built around it with rocks body filler etc. I fancied a challenge so decided to go for a frost effect. So my first go at making ice. Clear resin poured on cling film then removed once dry and broken into pieces. Then scuffed up with sand paper. Placed back in its place and clear resin poured around it to make it look like it is slowly thawing. Snow effect powder / pigments and icy sparkles to give it a better finish. I'm happy with the end result. Painted with Vallejo & Dark star paints.

Comments Welcome


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Hi Steve

WOW !!!! you are busy at the bench

Great to see this completed and thanks for details on the groundwork , looks effective

You've painted up all the high detailed areas well , like the shield

Looks like you enjoyed the project

Thanks for sharing

Happy benchtime

Stay safe

You've made a great job of this Steve. I'm on with her at the moment. May I ask what painting references you sourced - online info seems quite thin on the ground in terms of what she wore etc.
Fantastic work. Figure from RP are great , as is the painting on it and the terrain on the socle. Great indeed!

Cheers Borek
Thank you all for your positive comments.

May I ask what painting references you sourced - online info seems quite thin on the ground in terms of what she wore etc.

I searched google for mongol female warrior pictures. I didnt really follow any image, just a combination of different pictures and some of my own artistic license.
Hello my GREAT FRIEND Steve

How are you? I hope you are alright... I just passed to give congratulations for you tremendous work. She is AMAGING. Congratulations.

Big hug.
Thanks Steve,

Its certainly a committing undertaking but can't put it down. May well be the best commercial kit I've ever purchased.

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