Lack of response.


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A Fixture
Dec 29, 2003
Philadelphia, PA.
I have received numerous complaints from beginers about a lack of response to their postings.

In order to receive responses to your postings, you must also reply to other persons postings, it's a two way street. ;)

Roc :)
Originally posted by Roc@Jul 13 2006, 07:58 PM
In order to receive responses to your postings, you must also reply to other persons postings, it's a two way street. ;)

Roc :)
I think to have a beginners section on Pf may lead/mislead folks into thinking that there will be at least one person/moderator to answer their question(s). Personally I DO NOT always look at EVERY section of Pf, and I would venture to say I'm not alone here. If a lot of Pf's seasoned painters are not going there it's easy to see a lack of advice/suggestions for those considering themselves beginners. If there were some experienced painters wanting to help out on this section of pf, that may be the better solution.

Pf member's contributions/participation range from "lurking" to active contribution/suggestions. Posting replies to other people's postings are not going to guarantee you a reply of your own. Let's offer our community a little more than that.~Gary
I dont know if it goes 1-1 , when you receive a comment , you have to comment on this guys when he posts a work. I comment on guys that have never commented on my work and possibly they will never do . I comment mostly on works that i think ihave to add something specific , and that will help the poster in some way , either encouraging him, or rewarding, or offering some idea , or ..anything . But you must also think that many guys in specific periods have serioyous lack of time (like me till October !) and they glance just for minutes the site and they only post to 1-2 threads that might find interesting .

on the other way begginers , need more advicing and encouragement in this filed, and we all should probably pay a little more attention to this section .

Just my 0.0001 euro cent :)
Lesson I learned in the service.......ya gotta send em to get em! The people on this forum are really helpful and have never hesitated to answer my questions...even some of the "Greats" in the hobby who were probably too busy to answer some of my questions,but always found newbies,do not be afraid to ask even if you do not get as great a reply as you would like. Sometimes ya gotta dig.....
Personally I can't help the painters at all, 'cos as everybody knows I'm no kind of painter!

But I've gotten SO much help from sculptors on this forum, so I go out of my way to help the newbie sculptor. I also do this because I consider myself only about one 'ernt above "newbie-second lieutenant"! Maybe "newbie first lieutenant"? :)

This forum is like a constantly open, constantly ON class in sculpting and painting, but it is not constantly tutored. The tutoring sort of comes and goes and no complaints or apologies.

Some suggestions for newbies:
Ask specific, not vague questions. Technical and limited questions are better than "Am I doing this right?" There is no answer to that one!
Don't take lack of response personally! It isn't meant as a slap in the face.
Post your work.
Don't be shy.
Don't think that the next person will ask your question.
Grow an extra layer of skin. Critique can be a rough experience, but you'll never learn unless you hear it and internalize it.
Give a reasonable defense for your work and your point of view, but don't go nutz. Nobody is that good. Accept that you can make mistakes and learn from them.
Always listen for advice. Don't ever feel compelled to take any advice - no matter who that advice comes from! The advice given from the heart and with the best will in the world by your personal hero may be 180 degrees wrong for you. To thine own self be true.
Do something about the information you receive. Do the work!!!!!
As the last person in the thread said so eloquently - "Sometimes ya gotta dig..." and if you don't get answers, as a last resort use the e-mail feature under the members listings. Can't tell you how many times I have! And I sincerely appreciate all the answers I've been given in that manner.

And if you don't like anything I've said above :angry: hey, it's a forum. Feel free to ignore my ranting!

All the best,
Hello Dan,

You nailed it perfectly!

You should rename your post 'Safety and Health Precautions for Posting on pF'. :lol:

All the best,

Q. :)
Being a "Newbie"... I have to agree about if you post you can ask for comments.. and if you don't.. its nice that some do just make a quick little comment. If there is something specific you want to ask... then its going to have to be spelled out... in the posting. I am a bit shy but found my first post exciting after seeing how many hits it got. I just wanted to share.... I am sure in the future I will have specific questions.. on a particular thing and I will ask it. I will be posting my LaSalle figure shortly.. as a work in progress.... just to share....

Its a thin line to walk upon.

I want to help people but at the same time I want to encourage people. Doing both at the same time isnt always that easy and sometimes it could be misunderstod.


I have to say that many posters don't respond to my response to their initial posts or request for input.

I, too, respond more to posters who have responded to me.

Also, I post less now then I did before because of the recent spate of comments about this place being an "atta boy" site only and not a "serious" place for input.

Hey, folks, look at the lyrics in my signature. I am ALL about feedback :lol:

I suppose that improving what we do is what we're all after.

Though having said that I'd always says this to anybody - enjoy it!
If you're not enjoying yourself, what's the point? It will show in your work anyway.

You won't get better at anything by avoiding it!
My recent posting of that mounted Napoloenic has some really rubbish aspects to it. I felt this when I posted it, and asked for some critique on it. It helped, as it will steer me in the right direction (I hope!)

I am always grateful for the opinion of others on here if it's given with the best of intentions, and this has always what I've found, so thanks guys.

I'd encourage anybody to join a club though, face-to-face critique is always better and less offensive. People can get upset on here by misinterpreting comments that are made in all good faith - that's where written language & national differences can get in the way...

Anyway, see my signature as well!
I have to say that, I am no sculptor, but when i placed my first two conversions on here I received some of the best critique that I have had, but not just through postings but also from PM’s and emails, i didnt understand why some people didn’t post straight onto the thread, but I am ever gratefull for all the critique.

I am a firm believer in comments and critique as the only way to progress, you will never progress as quickly without a little constructive direction, you could stay at the same level for a lot longer, I am not saying that you will never progress, but a push along the right course, always helps.

At the end of the day, you put your pieces on here to get a good amount of constructive feedback, this will come in various forms, but it is up to the individual to make the most of what is put in the following posts.

I for one will give more feedback, if I feel that I am worthy or able to give something constructive within a post, then i will, in many ways this is becoming a dying hobby, god forbid I wish it wasn’t, but the more encouragement that is given to the new poeple that enter the hobby, the better and this is one of the best places for it.... so lets make the best of it.....

Just my 2 penny’s worth

Originally posted by KeithP@Jul 14 2006, 10:57 AM
Also, I post less now then I did before because of the recent spate of comments about this place being an "atta boy" site only and not a "serious" place for input.

Keith, At times I could not agree more with you. There is a lot of back patting here. I would like to think if it's not deserved then al lot of folks are just being polite. I would put anyone to task to find a site where this does not happen. I at least check out the site more than once at day in addition to posting something. There are a lot of folks that post regularly with interests and skill levels all over the board. I would take anyone to task to find a site that does not have it's shares of "atta boys" or pats on the back. They're out there, and sometimes they seem more like social clubs rather than hobby dedicated websites.~Gary
Although I have been with Planet fig for a while I only started posting a few months ago. I have to say the response was amazing, with pats on the back and very constructive criticism. If you put your figures up for appraisal you will get honest replies and critique, which is what I like about this site. Lets be honest this is the biggest figure model club in the world!!!!!!

It is very hard to reply to everyone's questions, and lets be honest nobody knows everything. I have had some good pointers on here as regards acrylic painting which I would not of picked up anywhere else.

I have posted questions on here and checked a few hours later for replies and there has been none, check a day later and there is suddenly twenty!!!

Keep it rolling Folks! :lol:

Cheers Steve Walks
All comments that have been made are very true.

I do feel that quite often the comments made in reference to work submitted, don't warrant the applause IMHO.

I like to both post and reply to other postings, I post so that my work gets an airing to people who have the same interest as me and not aircraft, AFV's or cars. I always feel that people who are living and breathing what you do are in a much better position to offer critique, as they are doing it from experience, that way, if I'm smart and want to I'll improve my standards in painting.

I only reply to posts if a) I feel that I have something valid and beneficial to offer, from any research or similar problems that I have had and offering up my findings on a subject or how I overcame the said problem. Or b) offer pluadits if the work impresses me and therfore want to let the poster know that his work is appreciated or inspiring.

I, as a poster and particularily as a newbie to figures would rather there be no comments just for the sake of it and the "atta boy" theme they do tend to have, or criticism, constructive or otherwise about how I can improve my work.

Naturally all of this is only my own opinion, but as Gary says there will always be people out there with the "atta boy" attitude, I know that I for one have had far more help from this website, than I ever could have got from my club, so we should be thankful that the staff here are dedicated to bringing us this website, "warts and all".

Regards, humbly (as a newbie)

Originally posted by Roc@Jul 14 2006, 01:58 AM
I have received numerous complaints from beginers about a lack of response to their postings.

In order to receive responses to your postings, you must also reply to other persons postings, it's a two way street. ;)
Personally, not related to just this forum, that's one thing that often discourages me from making comments/answering questions in threads from newish members. If you spend five minutes on a reply the very least you should get in return is a thanks, but all too frequently you don't even get that.

But it's not just the newish members that are guilty of this, which is even worse; and five minutes is on the low end, as many of the regulars will realise.

With regard to critique, unless the poster actually says "be brutal", "I want honest opinions" or something along those lines ("Tell me what you think" doesn't cut it) then nine times out of ten I won't post a thing because it's too common for people to only want praise, without any critical input. Now praise and encouragement is all well and good - everybody needs that when they're starting out and developing - but if the paintjob or sculpting is weak then "Great job!! and such is of zero benefit to the member in the long run.

I've said it before, if we are serious about having the site to help members to improve (which I would imagine should be one of the two or three core aims) we need to develop a culture of critique. CMON has a general standard where blunt, even harsh, input is the norm, not the exception; while I don't think we need to go that far the evidence has been posted many times there of just what this can yield - in six months guys go from below-average to pretty decent, in a year from sucky to good. Have any members here developed that quickly? Why not? It can't be that we're a less-talented bunch, the law of averages alone would ensure that the required skills are present in a certain percentage.

Originally posted by Einion@Jul 21 2006, 10:07 AM
If you spend five minutes on a reply the very least you should get in return is a thanks, but all too frequently you don't even get that.

You are right. Regardless of what is being siad I always offer some words of thanks to anyone that responds to my threads. If I've ever missed anyone it's not because I'm being rude, I just may have overlooked it.

I guess it's only polite to say something. On the other hand if I get nothing in the way of a response I'm not going to let it get my shorts in a wad.~Gary
Originally posted by garyjd+Jul 21 2006, 05:20 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (garyjd @ Jul 21 2006, 05:20 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>I guess it's only polite to say something. [/b]

Yep, it's simple politeness/courtesy. If you were talking to someone face to face one doesn't generally ask them a question, get an answer and then walk away without saying a word :lol: Seriously though, why should a forum make it any different?

@Jul 21 2006, 05:20 PM
On the other hand if I get nothing in the way of a response I'm not going to let it get my shorts in a wad.[/quote]
Aye, but when it's part of a pattern it gets a little grating. Easy solution though...

Gary and Einion - Cast your mind back briefly to the invigorating and detailed critique I got from Bob Tavis and a couple others when I was trying to sculpt the RJ War Japanese soldier in summer uniform. (BEFORE anybody gets upset, the criticism was all spot on and correct! And I had asked for it beforehand.)
Last summer I think it was. I learned more during that itchy and uncomfortable experience and was challenged more than at any time before or since on this forum.

I'm also darn near certain I grew another layer of epidermis right after that! :lol:

Now, mind you, I'm not particularly eager to go there again but who would be? And I'd like to think my stuff has improved, particularly with respect to anatomical proportions and stance, enough that most of the time there are no longer major issues with either. [I hope! :( ]

SO - put my vote down firmly on healthy critique vs. pleasant votes of confidence. Oh, it's nice to get them too, but I recognize I'm still a work in progress and know I need the critique to advance. I always ask for it and want it to be honest and as detailed as the critic wants. I almost always assume that anybody posting to this forum is asking for at least some critique and I try to give it honestly and without being harsh.

All the best,
Hi, all!

I still don't get where to put our works to be discussed of. To read somebody "brutal or the like". Posting in the News doesn't work, for the topic drowns the same day, and after nobody cares about it. I've posted two works and had no comments at all.

Actually, we're new as a studio and we're more interested in a constructive critics in order to help us to improve ourselves, rather than a prase (however, if it is mentioned we don't mind).

So , if someone wants to be brutal or brush up his/her critical skills you're welcome to see our work here.

We're not scared of any crictics and find any of it helpfull to us.

See you,