Last of the Mohicans - Infinity Shape figure


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A Fixture
Aug 20, 2003
US, Oklahoma
Last of the Mohicans
54mm white metal
sculpted by Ho Seo (vbench sbs of this figure - click here)
Box art by Samuel PS
3 parts


Ho Seo was generous enough to send me this figure this week and "it is a small work of art in a silver box" . I was excited to see his vbench sbs when he started this figure and believe me.........its even better than the photos. Beautiful sculpting of the folds......the face, even unpainted at this time looks like Daniel Day Lewis......awesome.


The kit comes in a hard cardboard box with the white logo wrapper around it and is well protected inside by 2 thick pieces of foam.


Opening the box you see 3 parts delicately sculpted by the talented hands of Ho Seo.


The main part is the torso with all the accessories sculpted right on.


This view shows the pouch and powderhorn and believe it or not......actual beads sculpted into the pouch strap going over the shoulder.


You can see the knife sheif protruding below the left elbow with beadwork also sculpted into the edge of the sheif.


Here you see the drapery of the back of the figure and more hair detail than you see in 90mm or 120mm figures.


Above you see the delicately sculpted rifle being held by both hands. and dry-fitted perfectly to the main body.

Conclusion: One of the best sculpted figures I have seen in years with minimal clean-up needed as the mold lines were faint. As you can see I have pegged him in the foot and after posting this review, he gets primed and ready for painting.

Thanks Ho Seo for the review figure.
Guy, Thanks for the review. what else can be said about the figure other than it's AWESOME. What an exceptional piece of sculpture.~Gary
Originally posted by Guy@Jul 8 2006, 03:34 PM
Last of the Mohicans
54mm white metal
sculpted by Ho Seo (vbench sbs of this figure - click here)
Box art by Samuel PS
3 parts


Ho Seo was generous enough to send me this figure this week and "it is a small work of art in a silver box" . I was excited to see his vbench sbs when he started this figure and believe me.........its even better than the photos. Beautiful sculpting of the folds......the face, even unpainted at this time looks like Daniel Day Lewis......awesome.


The kit comes in a hard cardboard box with the white logo wrapper around it and is well protected inside by 2 thick pieces of foam.


Opening the box you see 3 parts delicately sculpted by the talented hands of Ho Seo.


The main part is the torso with all the accessories sculpted right on.


This view shows the pouch and powderhorn and believe it or not......actual beads sculpted into the pouch strap going over the shoulder.


You can see the knife sheif protruding below the left elbow with beadwork also sculpted into the edge of the sheif.


Here you see the drapery of the back of the figure and more hair detail than you see in 90mm or 120mm figures.


Above you see the delicately sculpted rifle being held by both hands. and dry-fitted perfectly to the main body.

Conclusion: One of the best sculpted figures I have seen in years with minimal clean-up needed as the mold lines were faint. As you can see I have pegged him in the foot and after posting this review, he gets primed and ready for painting.

Thanks Ho Seo for the review figure.
Hi Guy,

I have been long time admiring the work of this Korean artists, especially at the way to capture facial features and likeness in such a small scale ... the review of the casted product is more than welcome as somtimes in certain products there is a big step from the master to the outcome but seems that this product does'nt fall in that category either ... one question from were are these figures on sale especially in EU?
