Latest project: Victorian infantry


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Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2004
Hi everybody,

above I would like to express my sincerest thoughts for all the people affected by the tsunami in South Asia.

I finished painting my first major conversion/ scratchbuilt figure today. Subject and pose are inspired by an old article of Bill Horan about the Gandamak diorama.
The figure is sculpted mainly in duro and painted with Humbrols. Hope you like it.
Remarks and criticism are welcome.



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Mark, if I didn't know better I'd accuse you of ripping a figure of the Gandamak diorama! Excellent work!
Mark, That is excellent. You should be very proud with what you've done. I'm sure Bill would be happy with what you've done.~Gary
Nice job - looks like the Private in the rear/left side of the Gandamak diorama. What is the setting for this guy (the bombed out brick building)?

Excellent figure Mark. If you were not telling that this figure was yours i would swear that Bill made another great job. Way to go man.
Thanks for the nice comments!

My knowledge on the Victorian era is still quite limited, so that there might be some inaccuracies.

I'll post another pic with a front view of the face (it is a slightly modified hornet head)

I never had a possibility to see "Gandamak" in flesh so far. So I must stay with ripping some ideas from beautiful pictures.

thanks for your kind words

You are exactly right, I tried to "imitate" the private in the rear. This is the first major conversion and sculpting I have ever done, so that your positive comment is really encouraging for me.
My intention was to show a member of the 44th regiment some month before Gandamak. I found some indication that they were also involved in fightings in Cabul and surrounding villages in November 1841 (not sure if this is historical correct). The brick building is meant show such a place.

I hope to find more time for sculpting in future as I start to like it.

Best regards


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Hello Mark,

very nice figure, and amazing to have this as your first sculpt!

İ love the paintwork on the clothes a lot: very nice and subtle tones, fitting together perfectly.

İ'm not sure how much brick was used in those regions though, as the traditional construction-techniques consist of earth and mudbrick. Sorry, just my restauration-education getting the better of me again! :) Anyway, it doesn't detract from this wonderfull piece.

Let's see some more of this! Cheers!

Hi Marijn,

I'm really happy about the feedback. You may be right about the brickwork, this is a very interesting aspect. I must admit not having gone so deep into it during my research.
Actually painting a self-sculped figure makes much more fun than just painting stock figures, so that I certainly will go on and try to improve.

Wish you a happy turn of the year!
