Jamie Stokes
A Fixture
So here is where I started planning the basic form of the figure for the "Springtime walk" project. Took me three goes, using anatomy forms as a guide. I first worked out a head unit, and cut it out of Evergreen plastic sheet. Then I filed and sanded it to shape, and marked up critical points with a permanent marker.
Then I worked out body size from there. First effort looked too tall - it worked out at 8 heads high, giving a stretched leg and torso effect. Kanae is of normal build and height for a Japanese lady, so reworked it till the dimensions came in at 7 1/2 heads high. (Blue markings first effort, green marking corrected effort)
Once I had done all that, I walked away from it for an hour, had a cup of tea, and did some other stuff. Then I roughed out a head, chest and hip unit. Laying them out on my chart gave me a better chance to check, and it looks more natural. A look over this seems to be natural in size.
I have since baked these units, and carved them down in size slightly. I'll be adding layers of putty on top of these units, so to avoid 'size creep' it's better if I start undersized first.
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