There is a small vignette of this scene available through Mark Severin at Scale Creep Miniatures.($5 USD) When I say small, it is!! It is 15mm. I am in the process of finishing it up. Kind of fun doing it, but boy!! Is it small.
I wish someone would do it in 54mm or 40mm. http://www.scalecreep.com/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=1402_1254_1258&products_id=8855
Hope this helps.
It just “dawned on me”! after I sent the previous reply - Saratoga Soldier have this vignette in 54mm. It is an Imrie/Risley set of figures.($30 USD)
Maybe this is the one you are looking for. http://www.saratogasoldier.com/irkits_civilwar_leaders.html
Gary Quick