Legion miniatures- Beserker


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New Member
Dec 7, 2014
First time posting in the critiques section. Would appreciate any advice to help me improve. Thanks

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I thought some of the more experienced members might have said something by now. I hesitate to offer advice as I'm a total noob. I think the others might likely mention, though, that your painting would benefit from a bit more contrast (shadows and highlights) to bring out the form and details a bit more.
I like the drab colour scheme you chose, as this is adds some realism. If the shirt is meant be leather then you made a good job of that effect too (but if it's meant to be wool, then it looks a bit too shiny at the "collar").
It's still a good figure, and probably way better than I could do at this stage.
That's all I got, sorry.
You are at the same stage as we would all have been at when we started so you have your foot on the first rung of the ladder, i think the easiest way to put this is that your figure looks as though you have only applied the base coats of colour and its now ready to add the shadows and highlights that will bring all the different fabrics, hair and face etc to life (just as Bundook has said).
Look at other more experienced figure painters work and then check out the mass of helpful vidoes on youtube to see how all the different effects are achieved so look at this as a test piece which you will no doubt improve and then you can take that knowledge onto the next figure.
Hi David

Well done on sharing this , I agree with Terry ref a basecoat visually , I would suggest you have a look at videos , and at the Painting forum here on PF where you'll find plenty to help

It's all about learning with each brushstroke.....every time you will learn a new technique

I like what you've done with the bear fur ...again have a look at You Tube videos

I think the beard etc will benefit from a wash of the colour with a little Burnt Umber

These might be of interest





All credit to you

Look forward to more

Happy benchtime

I like this piece but I tend to agree with the others that it looks like you have only put down the base colours and maybe some dry brushing.
You could take this so much further in all areas of this piece.
Great work in posting here. Takes courage.