Dan Morton
A Fixture
This 120mm two figure vignette is based on a 1915 illustration by Georges Scott, a famous French illustrator of the period.
The vignette was just completed and is still wet in places, so watch your fingers!
Veteran French soldier of the 17th Regiment – flesh tones of this soldier much darker and sunburned than recruit, beard brown or reddish brown streaked with grey, shaggy brown or reddish brown eyebrows
M1914 kepi, medium grey, black leather bill and chin strap
M1914 simplified greatcoat with one pocket, horizon blue, 17th regiment insignia in dark blue and yellow with blue stripes, dark blue 5-pointed star on left sleeve only. The greatcoat (and the star) show extensive wear and damage, very muddy.
Brown woolen stock above collar of great coat
Patterned home-made grey head scarf worn over ears, under hat and around neck
M1886/93 Lebel rifle, three shot clip, bolt action, 8 mm caliber and distinctive thin triangular bayonet in holder
M1892 haversack, greenish grey
M1877 one liter water bottle, covered in light grey blue cloth
M1914 trousers of pantalon-culotte style, loose in the thigh and tight from the knee down, reddish brown, torn and showing wear
Puttees in khaki drab cloth, very muddy
M1912 boots, brown, scuffed and worn, very muddy
Recruit French soldier of the 17th Regiment - dressed in similar fashion, no head scarf, no star on great coat, M1914 trousers in medium grey, M1877 water bottle in dark blue, putties grey, kepi horizon blue cover but otherwise same, all clothing fresh and newly issued.
The shallow trench is papier mache covered with pumice paste and lots of litter.
I may go back and stick a little pumice paste on the figures to make them muddier. Hope you like it! As always - comments and constructive critique very welcome!
All the best,
The vignette was just completed and is still wet in places, so watch your fingers!

Veteran French soldier of the 17th Regiment – flesh tones of this soldier much darker and sunburned than recruit, beard brown or reddish brown streaked with grey, shaggy brown or reddish brown eyebrows
M1914 kepi, medium grey, black leather bill and chin strap
M1914 simplified greatcoat with one pocket, horizon blue, 17th regiment insignia in dark blue and yellow with blue stripes, dark blue 5-pointed star on left sleeve only. The greatcoat (and the star) show extensive wear and damage, very muddy.
Brown woolen stock above collar of great coat
Patterned home-made grey head scarf worn over ears, under hat and around neck
M1886/93 Lebel rifle, three shot clip, bolt action, 8 mm caliber and distinctive thin triangular bayonet in holder
M1892 haversack, greenish grey
M1877 one liter water bottle, covered in light grey blue cloth
M1914 trousers of pantalon-culotte style, loose in the thigh and tight from the knee down, reddish brown, torn and showing wear
Puttees in khaki drab cloth, very muddy
M1912 boots, brown, scuffed and worn, very muddy
Recruit French soldier of the 17th Regiment - dressed in similar fashion, no head scarf, no star on great coat, M1914 trousers in medium grey, M1877 water bottle in dark blue, putties grey, kepi horizon blue cover but otherwise same, all clothing fresh and newly issued.
The shallow trench is papier mache covered with pumice paste and lots of litter.
I may go back and stick a little pumice paste on the figures to make them muddier. Hope you like it! As always - comments and constructive critique very welcome!
All the best,