Ah, that takes me back..I remember this from the 70's.
You will be surprised that despite the age the kit is very very reasonable and if they have done some maintenance on the moulds it should still be as good.
The horses are a bit stiff and all the harness straps were a strange rubbery substance but you get a good coach,driver, shotgun rider,gents and ladies for inside and a gramps figure carrying a case to add to all the boxes and trunks on the roof.Also included were decal/stickers for the Wells fargo logo.
I might be tempted again
) I am sure though that the price I paid back then will be a fraction what it is now...
Lindberg is also re-popping the same scale kit of the horse drawn civil war cannon team..
For the Air minded there is also the magnificent Graf Zeppelin....3 foot long!!!!!!The new owners seem very serious about these great old kits..