Looking For Good Scottish Knight 1300 Figure


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A Fixture
Jan 8, 2004
in a strange land
Watching Sean Bean being a stern level-headed incorruptible Northern Knight with a Yorkshire accent in "Game of Thrones" has made me wonder if this figure
would make a good Scottish (or "Northern" if you want) Knight : not looking for an "Eddard Stark" but just wondering if this figure can be painted as the Black Douglas f.e. ? Figure sort of looks the part and after modifying the sword pommel and hilt that big sword may even look the part as one of those nasty Scottish cleavers I thought ?
Johan, I suppose he could be anyone you want him to be. Even as a Templar, many Scottish Templars went to the Holy Land and many Templars came to Scotland but to help the English King Edward 1st kill Scots and destroy towns and villages.
I am trying to remember who made a very nice figure (Post Militaire?) of Douglas and an English Knight at Halidon Hill.
Plenty of choice so just do what you want.

Johan Soldiers have figures S90-03 and 04, these are the two figures I was thinking about. One as Black Douglas and the other as an English knight.

However if you like the figure you portayed, nothing to stop you unless someone has a photograph of Douglas in Armour at the time.

Or you could always convert and improve commecially available figures. Please bear in mind that for depicting The Good Sir James - there was no red heart on the Douglas coat of arms prior to 1330 - for obvious reasons.
Oh, yeah - and unlike me, remember to straighten out swords before taking the photos....

New Heraldry finished on Douglas & William Sinclair_28-Oct-12.jpg
Sir James Douglas_2-Nov-12.jpg
For what it's worth, I've always been struck by the similarity between the pose of this Pegaso figure....
Douglas at Bannockburn.jpg

and the cover of David R. Ross's book, "The Good Sir James"....

Which is why I'll be painting the Pegaso example as the Black Douglas at Bannockburn when I get home from my present assignment.
I'm still deciding on a suitable figure to use as Robert the Bruce, but once I've got both of them painted up I want to try something "arty-farty" with a ghostly image of both figures kind of floating above my "Battle of Teba" diorama and looking down on the action.
Here's a sneak peek of the diorama itself, courtesy of "Dining Room Table Productions, Inc"....
Black Douglas Diorama Sneak Peak_10-Nov-12.JPG

The diorama is nowhere like finished in it's present form of course. All the miniatures are coming off that round base and being transferred onto a purpose-built base - along with around +50 additional foot and mounted figures which ought to be darkening my door early next year.
Here's a few more snaps of the diorama as it looks right now....

The Black Douglas at Teba_a_12-Nov-12.JPG

The Black Douglas at Teba_b_12-Nov-12.JPG

The Black Douglas at Teba_c_12-Nov-12.JPG

The Black Douglas at Teba_d_12-Nov-12.JPG

The Black Douglas at Teba_e_12-Nov-12.JPG
That's some serious work there Harry nice one
Thanks - but I must emphasise that I didn't start from scratch with the majority of these figures. They're mostly commercially available miniatures that I've converted and repainted, some only slightly, and some quite extensively.
Tell you what though, I do admit that I'm immensely looking forward to getting my hands on those +50 additional foot and mounted figures early January and putting together the vastly expanded diorama I've got planned.
Gentlemen, thank you all for your replies ! Some very interesting information. And Harry that is a great diorama and thanks for pointing out that the Douglas had the heart only added to his coat of arms from 1330 on ! I was not aware of that ;)

Well, I will go with the 90mm Romeo Models figure, as it has "the look" I'm after (somewhat distressed, seen a couple of battles, not too "clean") and I think this figure's also close to the book cover artwork above.

cheers !
Gentlemen, thank you all for your replies ! Some very interesting information. And Harry that is a great diorama and thanks for pointing out that the Douglas had the heart only added to his coat of arms from 1330 on ! I was not aware of that ;)

Well, I will go with the 90mm Romeo Models figure, as it has "the look" I'm after (somewhat distressed, seen a couple of battles, not too "clean") and I think this figure's also close to the book cover artwork above.

cheers !
Cheers Johan - glad you liked the dio. I'll post a few snaps of the expanded project once it's finished in three or four months time.