Hi everyone here's my latest sculpt of medieval king. Just note here, this figure not follow the real Armor design or anything both in figure and the horse. In the beginning I just want to sculpting my first horse and ended to sculpting the figure also
. I do research for the armor in that era but not so deep, just research what the armor that looks good on the figure. I just consider it as my experience and learning for this project.
Here's the Working progress of the figure I start it with sculpting the horse

sculpting The armor and sadle
The figure Sculpting

Measure it with 54 mm scale

Fitting with horse

Figure with crown

Steer tripping was made by press and shaping copper wire that use for solder
If you want to see the video Making of horse
And making of figure
Here's the Working progress of the figure I start it with sculpting the horse

sculpting The armor and sadle
The figure Sculpting

Measure it with 54 mm scale

Fitting with horse

Figure with crown

Steer tripping was made by press and shaping copper wire that use for solder
If you want to see the video Making of horse

And making of figure