Medieval Knight from Legion Miniatures "Old School/New School series


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi everyone​
Always nice to do something from Legion Miniatures , this one was released a while ago by them depicting a knight from the first half of the 13th century , coming with 2 weapons , namely a axe and a sword , the axe being swung from around the left shoulder , the sword being worn​
Knight box 1.jpg

Lets have a couple of references but the piece is infacr a blank canvas for you to paint up as you wish obviously within the period​
knight 1.jpg
Books are of course available here are a couple​
As normal with legion releases no matter what scale or type the pieces are held in a laser cut box with labels on top and sides , the resin in clear bags with these being sandwiched safely between foam pads top and bottom ....and once you have enjoyed the model work the box is very useful​
Legion Knight 001.jpgLegion Knight 002.jpg
Again not an issue with minimal work needed ( see text ) and the parts are well designed to fit cleanly together, on opening the box the parts were:​
Legion Knight 003.jpg
Consisting of upper torso (head cast on), 2 arms , 2 weapons, 2 straps , 2 legs sections, 2 clothing items, shield, helmet and a base​
Continued in next post​
Lets have the details on the release

Details of the release :

Title: Medieval Knight


Scale: 90mm

No of pieces: 14

Material: Medium Gray resin

Sculptor: A. Bleskin

Casting: In house

Box Art: N/A on Review box

Looking at the resin:)


Consisting of the upper body with head wearing full mail tied up across the mouth , a arming hood being worn tied up under the chin, across the chest a straps , this version of the figure has the shield on the back for which a rather nice strap is sculpted , this pulling nicely into the material , which shows good folds

Particularly of note is the way the mail has been worked and looks impressive , the facial features are good despite mostly hidden with just the upper part being shown ....good eyework and the nose is well formed , the forehead has some well raised eyebrows ...quite sinister !!!

The shoulders are ready to take the separate by means of a good post ( after removing the casting plug you can see

The underneath is hollowed out to take the legs with a little bit of filler

Legion Knight 010.jpg
Legion Knight 009.jpgLegion Knight 007.jpgLegion Knight 005.jpgLegion Knight 004.jpgLegion Knight 006.jpgLegion Knight 007.jpgLegion Knight 008.jpg


As you see cast separately , fitting is okay into the underside of the torso cutout.... but with filler needed

They are covered in mail above and below with a good strap a little above the knee , the mails is effective in the sculpting and the casting

The material folds on the upper thighs are good and as the movement of the piece

Around the waist there's the sword belt with sharp definition

On the left a cutout for the sword ...small amount of filler needed

He is wearing spurs held in place by straps which shows good buckle work

Legion Knight 011.jpgLegion Knight 012.jpgLegion Knight 013.jpg

Legion Knight 017.jpgLegion Knight 016.jpgLegion Knight 014.jpg Legion Knight 015.jpg

Clothing pieces

Easy to fit into location with movement sculpted into place , again the good work on the folds is evident

Legion Knight 020.jpgLegion Knight 021.jpg

Legion Knight 023.jpgLegion Knight 022.jpg


Fitting into shoulders with a little putty after removing casting posts of course , fully mailed

Legion Knight 018.jpg

Continued in next post

Onto the remainder of the pieces


Legion Knight 025.jpg Legion Knight 026.jpgLegion Knight 024.jpg

I like this as its a good style and adds something to the piece , little bit of flashing in the eye cutout the face covering wraps round at the sides , good rivets shaping and styled around the top edging

On the box picture it shows on the ground but also fits over the head and looks very good

Some might wish to drill out the ventalation holes more as well for that added details


2 are provided in the kit the main weapon being the axe , well shaped with strapping around the shaft , both hands are sculpted with finger work being well shown ...fitting is no issue as the position of the actual arms is accurate to allow this

The handle has a wood effect on the surface with the head being a good shape

The sword has a shaped quillon with the handle having a grip , small amount of excess to remove from the pommel , the sword fits into the left side of the lower torso

Legion Knight 029.jpgLegion Knight 030.jpgLegion Knight 031.jpg Legion Knight 027.jpgLegion Knight 028.jpg


2 are provided both with details on ends and on buckles

Legion Knight 032.jpg


This fits easily onto the back of the figur into a good cutout , well shaped with the rear having edging with rivets all the way round

No design is sculpted onto the facing of the shield giving a good blank canvas to do whatever you wish in regarding painting

Legion Knight 033.jpg

Final Thoughts

A 90mm figure of a typical well protected knightin a action pose with a nice piece of movement

Painting will be enjoyable , if mail is your thing then this is a piece for you , plenty of painting options as well with the heraldry

Since this release several others form the Old School , New School series have been added ...all well worth a look at


Here is a fine paint version of this release


Contact details

Legion are members here ( user ID Andrey )
) you can order direct from him here on PF or via the website which is:

They also have a FB page:

Thanks to Legion for the review item

Cheers also to you all for viewing

Enjoy the modelling

Thanks Kevin.

I just followed the link and legion do make some very fine figures.

the fine quality painting of show there also helps.


Great detailed review on this Nap and I am glad you done it, I have had my eye on several of the Legion releases but didn't really know what to expect regarding the casting quality etc, probably to late to order in time for my Christmas stocking but I will certainly hold back some of the Christmas Cash and grab a couple of their Medieval releases after the holidays.
