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Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2016
Hintlesham, Ipswich, Suffolk,
Hi All.

One of the guys from my local model club asked me to paint a Medusa model he has had for years. He does not do figures, so felt he could not do it justice. So I painted it for him & he was very happy to finally have it finished.

The figure was a vinyl kit, I had to make the arrow shafts from plastic tube & make the bow string from some thin wire. The bits of hair were done with wool roving. He didn't want a complicated base as he wanted the focus on her. So I just used a photo frame & some natural rock. As usual it was painted in acrylics.

Comments welcome.



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Nice. Is this the old Geometric kit? Hard to find a legit kit these days. Terrific job!!
Gotta agree with the stones critique. No one asked but if you look in craft stores they have these columns that hold one tier of cake from the next as in wedding cakes. One complete one and then one saw into pieces as in a ruin, will say a lot w/o attracting attention. Just my 2¢ But no one asked so... :whistle:;)
Im not sure what kit it was as he gave it to me in a carrier bag in piece's. He said he just wanted some rocks / stone on the base as obviously she turns people into stone. So I just done what he asked me lol.

Apologies for overstepping. I would say, yeah, give the buyer what they asked for. ;) Still an awesome job. :)
He couldn't do it justice, but you sure as hell did! (y)

Superb stuff, I don't do fantasy, but I really do like this one. I am curious to know what scale it is, I know vinyl kits tend to be on the big side.

And nobody else knows what they're talking about. I like the stones*, they have a relevant context.

*The Beatles were better though.:sleep: